Just had to brag about hitting a post-surgery goal

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
Fort Lupton, Colorado, USA
Had my AVR at the end of September, and decided to change my entire life along with it. I quit smoking at the same time, started eating better and exercising, and decided that 200+ pounds was a little too much for a 5'8" man. I aimed to reduce my weight to below 165, putting me in the healthy weight category on the BMI chart. Last week, I was so happy to make it (now at 163) along with a waist down from 36" to 31". I just wanted to tell someone who would be able to relate and to care about it, so I came here. This despite my pessimistic cardiologist who says there is still no improvement in my heart function and probably never will be, and totally discounts the surgeon's observation that my LVH was almost immediately improved after surgery. This morning I bicycled 10 miles at an average of 13.29 mph, topping out at 25.72, on an old Trek mountain bike. I used to get winded walking up the hill to work. I think that maybe the EF or LVH numbers don't really mean all that much compared to how good you feel and how your body can perform. Although, sometimes I think that my cardio is using some kind of psychological trick on me...

(Yay! I now have abs and pecs, not very impressive yet, but there nonetheless!)

47 year old male, ATS OpenPivot AVR on 9/21/12, due to bicuspid aortic valve causing CHF. Also had ASD repair at age 10.
YES - YES - YES!!!!! I love stories like yours!!!!

Way to go and congratulations on making those huge life changes - job well done!!!

Keep it up!
Congratulations..... WELL Done!!

Your cardiologist cannot deny losing that weight and stopping smoking most certainly is all good for your health. There is no down side to it whatsoever.

Keep up the good work.
Clearly your cardiologist has his head up his a$$. Ten miles, at 13mph, on an old Trek MTB, in COLORADO is impressive. Well done!

It's great to see people making such changes to their health post-op, now you can find out what your heart and body are truly capable of!
A wonderful post. Carry on with exercise. Perhaps, now that you are slim and sexey, its time to add some lean mass on the canvas of yours. I'd say at 5'8" you would look pretty awesome being around 175-180. I'm a bit younger than you and am also 5'8", I weight around 198 at the moment and look decent enough to not want to hide when I am shirtless.
Wow now that's amazing and Inspiring. Keep up the good spirit. Until you feel you are fine don't worry about the doctor. :)
Way to go. I jealous about the weight loss.

I am 18 months out. Through the cariac rehab I started exercising, and I may not have lost weight, but I've discovered a new bump on my arm. I had to look up what it was...wow I've got a triceps now :) at age 55, who knew.
Way to go. I jealous about the weight loss.

I am 18 months out. Through the cariac rehab I started exercising, and I may not have lost weight, but I've discovered a new bump on my arm. I had to look up what it was...wow I've got a triceps now :) at age 55, who knew.

Tom: Good for you! At 18 months post-surgery, its sounds like you have developed some healthy new habits. And while losing weight may be a good thing for many, it is not the only thing. Being as healthy as you can at your current weight is definitely a positive thing. -- Suzanne
I weight around 198 at the moment and look decent enough to not want to hide when I am shirtless.

If I were walking around with another 30+ pounds of muscle on me, I might never put my shirt on! :thumbup: You are an inspiration. I might never be lifting iron like you in your avatar pic, but having had to buy heavier plates for my dumbbells, twice so far, is still pretty satisfying. Now I'm seriously considering joining our "State Employees' Wellness Center," an actual gym.

Heck, just being alive and kicking is a pretty big accomplishment for some of us; it's awesome to have such a great cheering section who are also some of my biggest heroes!
Nice job, Clay! I'm not sure how I would feel carrying around another 35 pounds, even if it was pure muscle, gym guy. I'm a bit older (now 65) and at 5'8", I am aiming for mid-150's. I'm just a smaller, wiry guy. At my peak, I weighed about 170, but it was not muscle. My meds caused a lot of bloat and weight gain. After some adjustments, I am back to around 157 and feel great. I, too, can see some muscle definition - about as much as I had when in my early 50's, which wasn't too bad for that age. My goals are muscle definition and shaping, rather than mass. Of course, no amount of added muscle will conceal the pacemaker bulge, either. (Thus says the bionic man. . . )