Just had my first post-op visit

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c terra

Active member
Oct 3, 2008
Dallas, TX
This week I just went back to both my cardologist for my post-op.
My regular card. did a echo and said everything looked good with the
aortic valve and that my heart looked good...but that I had some
leakage in my Mitral valve. He said not real serious right now but
they would have to keep a close watch on it.
I'm not real sure what all that means ? But I told him I wasn't really
ready to go through OHS again anytime soon (nov.5 2008 aortic valve
replacement & nov 12 2008 pacemaker total heart block)
I don't if anyone can help me out, still trying grasp all this !

Although, my Electr. cardologist said everything was looking good. She did
reset some of my settings on my pacemaker. My HR is now set for 80-170.

I have one more doctor's visit this week on Friday with my surgeron and I
hope he will clear me to drive. My husband and friends have been awesome
taking me everywhere but after almost 6 weeks I'm afraid it gets a little
much !

Thanks again for the listening ear !

c terra
Hi cterra, glad things are looking good. My son managed to go 8 years with his leaking mitral valve. Like you he now as some leakage after just having surgery in july this year. We are hoping that he can get at least another 7 years, although we will have to go through the dreaded wait again for another surgery date. It can be a constant worry but we try to get on as normal as possible. Hope you get the go ahead to drive and wanted to wish you the best of luck with it all. Tc
It may be a good idea to ask for copies of your echo reports. I like to keep mine for reference purposes.
It sounds like you are doing really well, I couldn't have driven a car at 5-6 weeks out.
Thanks for the suggestion. I can always use helpful hints on all this heart stuff.

c terra
bicuspid aortic valve replaced ....Nov. 5, 2008
pacemaker...total heart block ...Nov. 12, 2008
Mitral valve leakage ????