Just can't get back to par

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
Ok, I will be 5 weeks post op next Tuesday. I had my doctor visit last week and everything was great both cardio and pulmonary related. Yesterday, I unloaded the dishwasher, prepared a small dinner, and washed a few dishes. By the end of that adventure, I was totally wiped out.

Should I still be feeling this way at 5 weeks post op? My house is a mess, and everything is behind, but I just don't care.

I have been trying to walk, but i just don't want to do anything.

I am going to go get my hair done today which will be a long appointment.

Any ideas/suggestions?
You sound pretty normal to me. My only suggestion is to walk. That seems like the best thing to get your whole body back in shape. Walk until you feel tired, and then walk about 2 more minutes. Eventually you'll be amazed at how far you've come.
Oh yes, "the no care attitude", I'm afraid that's normal.

Lisa has has great suggestion. Do try it. You may have to give yourself that extra push to do it, but you can do it and you'll see how well you've done.

You've come a long way already. Remember what you could or couldn't do 4 weeks ago?

Did you put a smile on your face? Thought so.
You are 4.5 weeks postop and doing fantastic.
(I stayed in pyjamas for 6 weeks and still needed help to bathe and function.)
Let people help you and try not to get wiped out which will only make you feel sad.
Really, I couldn't bathe myself for 4 weeks post surgery, mostly because of the pacemaker, but also because of being weak. It took 3 months to get around the block (.5 miles). You are doing fine. Don't rush it, but do try to do more walking.
Hire a maid service, if you can, or let a friend help you out.
Everyone recovers at a different pace. But rule of thumb is to tell people that it takes a year. Now the majority of that year you are feeling pretty good, just getting back up to speed. The first 3 months are the hardest, IMHO. You sound like you are right on track. Lisa is right - walking is the best thing you can do. If it's between walking and getting household chores done - let someone else do the chores!
Recovery is a personal thing even though most of us experience the same feelings during recovery. One person may feel pain more, another may be less motivated to get moving but not feel depressed, another person may feel depressed but have no pain. So, take it as it comes but try to help alot the way.

Do you have any big black trash bags? If so, have someone shovel some of the mess into them and get back to them later. It is surprising how much stuff you will find that you can live without...I speak from experience on that one. I moved in 1994 and still have unpacked boxes which I just ignore--will let my heirs deal with them when I pass from this Earth many, many years from now.

From my point, the best advice I can give you is to make yourself walk OUTSiDE a bit each day. I've been walking twice a day for a few weeks now and still have to kick myself out the door with the promise to myself that I only have to walk a little. But, being outside (as opposed to walking on my treadmill) helps to prompt me to walk a little further, then a little further and then a bit more. Something about being out in the sun, seeing the beautiful mountains in the background and feeling the "gentle" Mojave winds in your face is really inspiring...if God is good enough to have made it possible for me to get a new heart valve and to give me this beautiful Earth to walk upon, I can manage just one more trip around my yard. It's surprising that it really helps!

Best of luck, and remember it's only one step at a time--you are in control and can quit at any time but keep trying to take those first few steps.

I am now 11 weeks post op and I can say that week 8 was a big turning point when I felt I was about where I was before the surgery (I was pretty well asymptomatic but had just gotten used to a below par normal). Since then I can say I am definitely better that before the surgery and now hardly even think of it - until I open my shirt and see the big zipper! Week 5 I was still feeling weak with all the funny pains and feelings that come with the territory. It is early days yet - give yourself a break and do as the others have encouraged i.e. try and get OUTSIDE to walk. I got stuck indoors walking around the house and was not really making much progress until the visiting cardio nurse basically kicked my butt outside in the rain for a walk - she nearly killed me but it was the best thing she could have done, as it really changes your attitude to be in the fresh air.
Keep the faith and you will be surprised at what the next few weeks bring in the way of improvement - just remember that you have been through a huge trauma for your body and it needs time to recover. Don't sweat the small stuff i.e. woofies under the bed, dusting etc., it will get done eventually but it is not as important as you!
You probaby wouldn't feel miserable for an entire year, but could just not feel up to par. You may even feel good, but after a year you could could realize you are feeling "normal" again. Then again, you may feel great much, much sooner. I think everyone heals at their own pace. I happened to be one of the slow ones, but then I also had two OHS within a year. My brother said it took him 3 months even though he was jogging again by 2 months (he had an MV repair).
Ok, I will be 5 weeks post op next Tuesday. I had my doctor visit last week and everything was great both cardio and pulmonary related. Yesterday, I unloaded the dishwasher, prepared a small dinner, and washed a few dishes. By the end of that adventure, I was totally wiped out.

Should I still be feeling this way at 5 weeks post op? My house is a mess, and everything is behind, but I just don't care.

I have been trying to walk, but i just don't want to do anything.

I am going to go get my hair done today which will be a long appointment.

Any ideas/suggestions?

I feel the same as you do and we had surgery the same day. I have to push myself to get going. I walked around the block today and even went to a sporting goods store just to get out, and that really wiped me out too. It just takes time, we had a very major surgery and it takes a while to feel sort of normal again. Remember it was not just the heart affected in our surgery, everything was affected! I start cardiac rehab next week so hopefully that will get me going also, are you doing that? Just keep the faith and walk as much as you can without over doing it and you will get back to normal!
God bless,
I'm at 10 weeks and today I ripped out the carpet of my camper. I started it last week. I felt fine doing it but am a bit sore now in my back and chest. the rug part was easy those dam staples are a PIA.
I'll chime in here to agree that it takes a while to really start feeling good... one day at a time. Additionally, I getting the sense that you might be having some depression issues - this is very common after OHS. I wound up on medication (alprazolam) for a few weeks - worked wonders for me. You might want to check with your cardio or pcp to see if depression might be an issue.
Yep the body continues to heal,for sure.I still feel tired and and i
realise it's nothing to feel bad about,cus my Dr reminds me ive had major surgery,but i felt better 17 years ago 1st surgery and was back at work in 6 weeks.I had surgery jan 22 and still get this feeling thus far,some days more
exhausted.Wonder if with me it's surgery or age factor for 2nd surgery cus i'm
17 years older now:eek:
I tend to agree with Lisa and Karylynn (very true)in both posts.

zipper2 (DEB)
Well I went andm got my hair highlighted and cut today. That was a two hour ordeal, but it felt nice for someone else to do it and not try to keep my arms up. I even told her to give me something sassy......make me feel like a new woman....hehe.

Hubby took me out to eat afterwards (which was a nice change), because I still have no appetite.

We went to Target and Walmart and I made myself walk in both stores.

Left at 3 and got home at 10.....I am zonked....came home and let the hot shower hit my back and now sitting on a heating pad....the ole shoulders hurt.

I made it though!
for me it was 6 months before I felt strong enough to play golf., but it was a full year before I really felt back to normal.
Remember your sternum won't be healed till around 12 weeks. 5 weeks you are not expected to feel great yet. They tell you no work for 8 weeks for a reason! Doc wouldn't let me drive till 6.
I am glad you are feeling better. I was going to suggest to you do something new...I highlighted my hair and it made me feel better after two months. As other say, you are doing great and I did go through the up and down phases a lot. So do not let this pull you down, it is a part of the healing process.:)
Good girl!!!! I just know that the haircut will help!!!

Silly girl!!! 7 hours away from home is way too long right now!!! You are going to pay for that for a few days. No resilience. You just don't have it yet.

The thing I liked best about my recovery was sitting outside on our back deck with the sun on my back (it wasn't that sore, but the sun never felt so good) and doing absolutely nothing!!!!!! Listen to the birds, have some flower pots around you, look at the colors. Take in the springtime -- you are reborn with it!!!!!

Remember, all those drugs they give you while you're out are very serious drugs. They linger. You can't just wash them out with drinking lots of liquids... they really just hang around in our bodies for at least 6 months. They mess with our chemistry, our moods, our energy levels. But little by little, the newly built body wins! Really, it does!!

Hang in there!

That simply won't do, I have set an 8 week maximum for myself before I am back on the course. Actually considering hitting a small par 3 course this weekend, nothing but short iron shots which I have been practicing in the backyard anyways.

I thought you had to wait a full 12 weeks before golf? That is the time they say before the sternum is healed. I really want to get out there and hit a few balls when I feel better but I am not going to chance messing up my sternum.