Johan out of surgery

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Johan Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
I am Tuschani, Johans 13 year old step daughter. Johan got driven to the hospital on tuesday by my mother,to get his things organised and get comfortable then on wednesday, the operation began i oviously wasnt allowed to see Johan in such a state that night, but my mother spoke to the surgeon that day afterwards and told me everything ran smoothly. But i got to see him on thursday and I didnt really like it much it made me a little upset to see him in a way i havnt before, all the scary things :( my mother says ,tubes, and , machines. Then the next day my mother went to see im in the morning. And Johans brother and his wife came from Sutherland but before they arrived,i got to see him during the afternoon from 3 o clock to 4 and it was so wonderful to see him with much more colour in the face and a little bit of a smile. Then we all went to see him last night (friday night) and it was lovely to chat a little. Johans doctor says he has no idea how amazing he will feel after the operation is over so this will only bring good to him. I miss johan very much and i know that he is going to be alright :D and pull through well . thank you! you will hear from me again tomorrow
Thank you so much for letting us know what's going on. I'm sorry you were upset when you first saw him, I understand it can certainly be a little overwhelming, I remember the first time I saw my son hooked to everything. I'm glad things are going so much better You seem like a great caring kid (young adult) . It will be nice when Johan is recoverred and your family will be able to enjoy doing so many things that probably made Johan tired before. Please let him know you are ALL in my prayers.
I know it's a shock when you see him hooked up to everything, but please realize, they are all necessary to keep him alive until he can take over after all of the sedation. It's not pretty.

I hope he continues to have a bump free recovery. Thanks for posting on his behalf. We really appreciate it! :)
Hi Tuschani -- thanks so much for letting us know your Father is coming along. Everyday it will get better, just takes time.

I did have a sneak peek at the album in your Father's profile and there's a picture of you. You're a beautiful girlie...and look very tall for your age. Do you have plans to become a model..;)
Johan out of surgery

I am Wilscha. Johan was operated on wednesday at Chris Barnard Memorial hospital in CAPE town. It was a model operation. No post bleeding.His surgeon Dr. Thanning was absolutely great. He removed the dreaded pipe himself, as he promised Johan, the next day. He also had his drainage pipes removed and sat in a chair today.The happy drugs after surgery kept him in good spirits, but he came down a bit on the third day. What added to it was that he had a little blood pressure problem and now AF. Nobody seems to be too worried about that at this stage. he is on medicine for it
He is only sorry that he is not home to see Sol, an old wild baboon that comes down from Table Mountain now that the young males kicked him out. Sol seems to love our house and sits in the sun at the pool.
will keep u posted.
Hello Wilscha,
It sounds like Johan is right on schedule with his recovery. Many of us get a fast heart rate afterwards and the medicines will help control it. Johan will get a little bit stronger each day. Hopefully he is able to rest enough and eat some healthy foods.
I understand his concern for the animals at home, my outdoor cat was quite upset that I was gone for 16 days.
Best wishes.
Thanks for the update,and all sounds normal,hope he gets home soon
and has a continued great recovery.Those happy drugs are a bonus;):)

Tuschani - thanks so much for the update. It's really a shock seeing someone just after they've had serious surgery - they look so awful! But it's all part of the recovery process - think how much better he'll look after a couple of weeks. The change will probably be dramatic.
Tuschani, you were a brave young lady to go see you father in the hospital while he was still connected to all the would upset most children (even grown-up ones) to see a parent like that. It was good to hear that each time you went he was looking better. He will need time to rest at home but each day he will be a little stronger, also. Please continue to let us know how he is doing.

Wilscha, it is wonderful that Johan is doing better and feeling well enough to wonder about your friendly baboon, Sol. Soon Johan will be home and will probably be able to spend some extra time watching Sol while he is recovering.

Lots of healing wishes being sent to him.

Johan out of surgery

Wilsha here again.
Johan was in ICU for 4 days and 4 nights and was moved on the 5th day to the general ward. He has no more tubes! We went for a short walk together. He is asking for his laptop and cell phone and some news papers, said he is bored already. All looks good. He is still in AF, but nobody seems to be too worried.
Thank you for all your good wishes. :)
Johan out of surgery

Tuschani here again
This afternoon i went to see Johan and when we got there we saw his bed empty! ( at ICU ) the nurses told us that they are so good that now Johan is in general ward doing better. We went down to see him and to our surprise he almost look normal. So we all went for a lovely qiuck walk down the corridor and it was nice :) and the best was the was not a SINGLE pipe or tube or even a machine near him! :D :D so Johan is doing much better and we all miss him very much !!!
i will write for the last time tomorrow
will see Johan later tonight
p.s. thank you so much for everything we do so apprieciate you being so wonderfully kind !!!! :)
What a nice surprise> I am glad you were able to have a nice visit and walk with Johan. USUALLY The more often he walks the faster he will feel better (sort walks at first), especially once he gets home, So I'm glad he has you to walk with him and keep him company. You parents must be so proud of you.
Johan out of surgery

Tuschani here again
i saw Johan yesterday and amazingly we actually saw him get up to greet us yes you heard me right. I was so happy, he walks nearly as he use to! and he is so THIN! just skin and bone. Johan asked me to tell you guys that he is officially over the mountain. Ill proberly see him toningt. But i did say that this was the last time i shall be writing on tthe blog. So there it is Johan is nearly the same. And i love Johan very much his such a good man and im so happy his healthy.
thank you very much
Johan is back!!

Johan is back!!

Tuschani brought my laptop and mobile network connector so I am back on line after the surgery. It is now 6 days post op and I am in a general ward, lucky the only one in a 6 bed room, what luck. Tuschani kindly kept you informed but everything went like clockwork to date. X-rays show valve nicely in place and the AF is petering out, 1 mis in 20. Haert rate back to 60's as before the operation and blood pressure now 120's over the 60's 70's after the scare of 190/110 day after surgery. Took the Carpentier-Edwards Bovine Magna. Thank you all for keeping Tuschani's spirits up. She is only 13 and left the ICU in tears everytime. Here they aloow children over 12 into the ICU.Having my first echogram tomorrow and every second skin staple came out of the wound today. It is Tuesday, 6 days post surgery and I hope to go home by Saturday/Sunday. Feeling but under the weather now but am so happy and greatful that those who went through this scary tunnel at more or less the same time are also doing great.Shall change my signature when I have more strenght. Shall also chat to Karl and others in pre-surgery. Johan
Great to hear from you. Get your butt home mister. You've climbed the mountain and seen what there is to see. :)
I was so nice to see you posting again. Please thank both Wilsha and Tuchani for keeping us updated. I hope that your recovery continues to go smoothly. Just take it one day at a time and let your body call the shots. Don't overdo. :)