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Jan 24, 2012
York Pa
Well I have been on the side waiting here for years. This past weekend I went into emergency with a heart rate of 165, and it was stubborn before coming down. I was admitted, scheduled for a cath and on the afib drug. The cath determined I was more than ready and my attending doctor was pretty panicked. She wanted surgery as soon as possible. My cardiologist was out of town so received some consults from others in the same office. Problem is there is only one group of heart surgeons and from that group only one who has had any reputation. I was visited by a new member of the group, rather cocky and has no credentials that I can find. I turned down the surgery with him to wait for the surgeon my cardiologist had referenced to me. I see him on Tuesday, he is the cousin of the guy who I turned down so this should be interesting. Since all the tests are done I am thinking I will probably get scheduled soon. My heart rate either is slightly under 58 or way high. I have severe aortic stenosis. It was a very stressful week with all the back and forth with surgeons, they sent me home Thursday with a afib med. I am really scared especially having to work within the situation that I went through this past week. I have been trying to read up on here to get ready. Not quite sure my brain can wrap around it all yet.
Hi there. It is a lot to wrap your brain around, but you can do this. I had my AVR on March 6th & I am at home now & doing great. I did not expect to feel this good so soon. I still tire really easily, but each day gets a little better. This is a wonderful site & really helped calm my nerves before surgery. Good luck to you!!
It would be insane to not be worried, however I know it's sooooo much easier said then done, worrying will get you nowhere. Just know that after surgery, yes you will have a hill to climb, but it's for the best and all you can do now is let it play out how it's going to regardless. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure you'll be alright, but as you know..we are always here to talk to because we all know..this isn't a fun or easy process. Cheers bud and good luck!
I just wish all the drama hadn't taken place but now there is no time to explore other options so it will have to be all right.
breakingwave To put your mind at ease I was over 300 pounds when I had my valve replaced. I had no complications at all, actually I found this to be the easiest operation I ever had except for the fear, so get er done and enjoy the ride with your second chance at life. keep this site near you people here are awesome. When you need advice this site will get you through the bumps in the road. Good luck and GOD Bless
Breakingwave, I hope you get all the support and strength needed to get this done. As others have said the initial shock and waiting is the worst. I had a similar event as you, last Sept I woke up with a heart rate +\- 160 also, was cardio verted back to a sinus rhythm. Then had the cath test done, 10 weeks later my valve was replaced. I am greatful to also be on the other side of it now. My initial thought was I can't do this, but it had to be done and things are going forward now at 3.5 months into recovery. So you can do this, and people on the site will help with any questions or concerns. Your medical team is also a great source of info. They will take good care of you. Take care, it's going to be just fine.
Keep in mind that while for us this is a life changing event but for our medical teams, it is 'another day at the office'. They are so skilled and experienced and they've seen it all. Nothing throws them off base.... whatever might come up, they can handle.

Keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing.
Remember this is a hugely successful surgery with way higher success rate than many other common surgeries.
jkm7 said it correctly - while this is life-altering for us, it is quite routine for the docs. Just do your best to ensure that you have a competent care team and go with it. I'm not sure what other major cities are near your home, but there may be many highly regarded heart surgeons not far from you. As long as you are home now, you could consider other hospitals to have your surgery.

As far as your weight goes, your surgeon will discuss it with you. But also, consider the valve surgery and the probable cardiac rehab after surgery to be another chance to make of your life what you really want it to be. If you want to take control of your weight, the rehab folks will be happy to work with you. If you are OK, but have fears and concerns, be sure to discuss them with your care team. They deal with that all the time, too.

Know that we are here for you and will help you through the process.