It's Here......

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
It’s here, March 30th, my 5th Anniversary since OHS, right to day…yep it was a Friday.

Granted it’s a day where my family would care not to remember and that’s understandable.

But it’s this family, here on the forums who were there/here when I needed someone the most. Getting all choked up just having the feeling of thankfulness to you all, the support and the understanding I received during the recovery stage was unbelievable (and still is). As one member has said I “was a wreck” during that time and I got past that stage of recovery because of this forum and all the special, knowledgeable and humorous members.

Sure I’ve had my up’s and downs during the past 5 years in regards of my health, but who’s to say that I wouldn’t have had them anyways if I didn’t have OHS? It’s just taken a little more seriously from my family and the doctors that I see, but life goes on and you deal with what is given to you… step at a time.

But today is not for me, but to everyone here who take the time to support each other. And of course to you Hank for creating this web site/forum.

Words are simply not enough to express my thanks.

Cheers to all of you and have a great weekend
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A ha.....Sneaking this in here early are ya ? :tongue2:
Wishing you a very happy day on Friday celebrating your 5th, and if you get bored at any time
just meet me on chat !
Freddie - Five years already? The time sure passes quickly, but I still remember those first weeks (and months) of your recovery. You've come a long way.

May you have so many happy returns of the day that you tire of counting them!
Happy 5th anniversary. I know for this anniversary your husband should take you to dinner(hint, hint). He will think it is just because but in your heart you will know why....
God Bless You
Congratulations on number 5 Freddie!!!
Here's to many many more years!!
Love Sarah xxxx
Happy 5th Anniversary. We'll remember and celebrate how special your day is. I wish you the best and many more with each one better than the last. You are always a joy on this site.
Thanks everyone, but this thread was suppose to be for you.
So please, each and everyone of you, give yourself a pat on the back (some of you deserve a couple of hard pats).

Thanks Steve for being there and reminding me of what a basket case I was LOL :biggrin2: or maybe I still am a basket case?
Thanks everyone, but this thread was suppose to be for you.
So please, each and everyone of you, give yourself a pat on the back (some of you deserve a couple of hard pats).

Thanks Steve for being there and reminding me of what a basket case I was LOL :biggrin2: or maybe I still am a basket case?

Freddie, don't sell yourself short. OHS ain't for wimps and we go through alot emotionally. You are a lovely person :)