It's a great day for the Paulson family

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Yeah, I know, long title line, but it is a great day! Woke up today at like 9AM, and I no more than sat on the couch and I got a phone call from my realtor! We got an offer on our house for full asking price, if we pay $5000 of their closing costs and replace a window(with the proceeds from the house). THis is such a relief to us, since, like many of you, we are financially in the HOLE. We are going to pay OFF the jeep, a personal loan, credit cards, and other bills we have. We'll still have like $5000 left to move etc... but oh happy day!

On another hand, we bought ME a little dwarf rabbit yesterday. Ian just missed having a pet so badly, that we figured what the heck. He's so cute, and I named him furball. I've been begging Kevin for a rabbit for so long. I used to raise them when I was younger. Well, I better be getting off the computer. So many things to do now! Oh yeah, if you want to check out our house, it is on click on washington, kitsap county, suquamish, between 150,000-200,000, and it is the white house with the green trim for $173,950. Go ahead and take a looksie, it looks good!
Didn't you just buy that house last year? Hope you are getting some profit from it - that's the only way to go these days, what with prices rising so quickly. Where are you moving to, you know yet? on base maybe. That would be good.

Well done !!
Exciting News, especially to get your asking price !!
Now you will up to your ears in packing!!
Very best wishes for your move,
Congratulations Joy!

Lordy the price of housing in Washington is high! Is that where you want to be forever or just until hubby is out of the service?
Congrats Joy but......

Congrats Joy but......

I hope you are not going to have to turn around and pay those high inflated prices for another house. :eek: :eek: I think it's unbelievable what people have to pay for just a simple house. Nothing special.
The houses here in Tucson are also going up and up and an average home here costs around $200.000 right now. The reason for this housing boom is that it's people from CA that are moving out of that state with the big bucks they received for their houses there, and are buying a lot of the properties for investments. A house that two years ago cost around $80.000 costs $130.000- $150.000 now. It is rediculous! Investors are outbidding everyone and at times by tens of thousands of dollars.
We've been told we personally can easily get a quarter of a million dollars for our home, but where would we go to buy another house? We'd have to live somewhere. We could not afford to buy another house at those high prices.
What bugs me is that a middle class family can't afford to buy a home anymore. I think that is sad.
Even renting a 3 bedroom house costs $950.00 - $1200.00 a month here, not including utilities.
Hey guys, sorry it took so long to respond, my computer wouldn't let me even on the site. We are planning on staying in family housing until Kevin is out of the service...wherever he goes, hopefully we can go. We'll be moving to the northern midwest when he retires. Soon we'll be OUT OF DEBT no car payments, no credit cards, no mortgage(Ok, we'll have rent for 3 months, but...oh well.)We'll be very well off financially. Right now we pay over $700 a month for 2 cars. A 2001 Jeep wrangler and a 1999 honda CR-V. Can't WAIT till they are paid off. When I was growing up, I always thought cars were cheap...boy was I wrong! Anyways, just thought I would respond.