Is this dog abused or what?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
Our friends' dog, Babe, a 150 pound mastiff, exposes how mistreated he is in the below photo. He is one of my all time favorites dog friends, besides Perry of course. This was posted on our friends' daughter's Facebook page and I just had to share.
We had a great dane that would do that. I couldn't put food on the table because he could walk right up and eat it. Just the right height for him. The windows would rattle when he barked. His tail would whip you when he was happy. What a baby he was.
I should report this to the ASPCA in hopes one of those women in UNIFORM comes to the aid of that poor dog.

Umm yeah, that works for me

Yeah he's abused alright .............

Yeah he's abused alright .............

Kindness is killing him.

thanks for posting the photo--nice to see.

If I knew how I would post a picture of the pile of dogs on my sofa.:cool:
The dog's owners are extremely abusive. I can't believe they have not gotten a bigger couch for the poor dog :D:D.

Great picture. My wife said she would not allow our new dog to get on the couch. Guess to who is on the couch right now. :)

Ross, I nominate you to tell the dog he cannot sit there. You might want to take a dinosaur bone for a bribe though. Good luck & Godspeed
Aw, poor dog! Maybe he needs an extra pillow or blanket. Our "Abby" really does think she's human. It's funny, she won't get up on any sofa or chair in our house, but she has the pick of all the beds!:D Gotta love our dogs! LINDA