Is post-surgery depression usual?

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
ann arbor michigan
Hi, It's been a while since I last posted. Sometimes I wonder how much a support group helps, sometimes ignorance seems to be the best. i just read about the infection ocnurse(sp) caught from the CCF, where I had my surgery 4/6/11. the reason I went there was because of the crappy care I received, @ the hospital near my home. I swear they tried to "kill" me 3 times. Once before diagnosis & twice w/surgery aftercare.) Where the hell do I go now WHEN (not if) I will need more cardio care, not to CCF. I had a crappy surgery intake & ICU experience.
Anyway, I'm seeing a therapist because I'm depressed ( she says moderate - severe, "I'm struggling to care about taking care of myself') I've skipped some Dr. appt's & I've gained 20lbs by binging (I don't do drugs or drink I EAT). Is it re-action to being on the bypass thingy, or maybe a factor of the circumstances?

Perfectly normal to suddenly be told you are not as healthy as you thought and/or that you have to modify your lifestyle .....have you done cardiac rehab ,,,,,, it is more than reahab to be in the same room as that many tryingh to recover .......wishing you well0


I have read many times that something as serious as open heart surgery is often associated with anxiety or depression. I myself had anxiety following the surgery. As Greg said, rehab worked wonders for me, as well as some very light doses of anxiety medication. If the doctor is prescribing something to help, I would give it a shot. They know quite a bit about this sort of thing, and if it doesn't work or doesn't do anything for you, you can always quit with a doctor's supervision, of course. My two cents
I think mood swings are pretty normal, just because of the way the healing process works. You will think that everything is behind you, but then something will come up to remind you (often painfully) of what your body went through many months before. The side effects from my medication were something I never thought about, until I looked down at the scale one morning and realized just how much weight I had piled on over the course of the long winter. That was a shocker for me, because I had never had to worry on about my weight before.
My anxiety & depression occurred before surgery but I can relate to the weight thing - probably medication related for me too as I have also had a diagosis of type 2 diabetes to deal with as well as the heart valve issue/surgery in the last 18 months.

Three years ago I made a huge effort to lose some weight only to see it pile on again in the last year. I wouldn't mind so much if I had been binge eating or scoffing cakes and treats, but I haven't, I've been a model eater. Just my luck, eh. :(
Have you been excercising? It seems from the posts that those are doing better that excercise a lot. I started cardio-rehab as soon as i was allowed, but I lost interest in it after a month. Maybe because I was depressed? maybe because i was the only female in the group, one of the youngest & the only one without having to be there because of a cardiac arrest.
Hmmm. Then again because I had so little notice of the need for an AVR, I didn't have time to process it & that's what I'm doing now?
Post surgical depression is known to occur after major heart surgery. I admire that you are seeing a therapist, hopefully they are a medical doctor that can prescribe beneficial medications if needed. We need to treat these things as the medical conditions that they are.
Take care,
My family doctor is someone I have grown to trust since we met over 10 years ago. Before my AVR, she made it a point of discussing Post-Op depression following heart surgery and suggested that I begin taking an antidepressant before hand because she is now familiar with me. After my Father's death, I went through a bout of depression which led her to anticipate that I might be more at risk agan after surgery. No one knows why this happens but it is very common. My doctor recommended the book:

Coping with Heart Surgery and Bypassing Depression: A Family's Guide to the Medical, Emotional and Practical Issues

Depression can be part of the package but it can be managed. My family doctor says that those who walk and exercise more often have an easier time dealing with this. She made a point of saying that a simple walk each day can make a real difference. In the book, Coping with Heart Surgery, the suggestion is made that the depression may be caused by a loss of one's sense of well being. The depression dissipates as one's confidence returns.

For me, Cardiac Rehab was a wonderful experience. Yes, it does get one in the habit of regular exercise, but more importantly it helps restore your confidence that you can use your body without fear of hurting yourself. If you did not attend Cardiac Rehab, I would encourage you to consider doing so now. It is a gift you can give yourself that will help you heal.

If you are on beta blockers, your weight gain may not be all attributable to over eating.
Weight gain is a common side effect of beta blockers as they do not just slow the heart down, they also slow down the body's energy requirement, hence even if food consumption remains the same weight gain will often result. This also makes weight loss that much harder.
Depression is also another known side effect of beta blockers in some patients.
Unbelievable, I just got off the phone with the cardiac fellow on call. It hasn't just been depression, sadness, whatever. It suddenly upside the head hit me that I been feeling like I did when I had the pericardial effusion post surgery. He recommended I either go in tonight for an echo or wait til tomorrow AM & call my cardiologist. Other than being kinda agitated I feel I can wait til tomorrow AM. Good golly Miss Molly.
When can I get off this crappy carnival ride????????????
thanks so much each & everyone of you for your support & shoulders to lean on.
Good news, It's not peri-cardial effusion, I will check out some other possibilities & still keep seeing my therapist.
Thanks agian for your support.
PS "I have been to the bottom & it is SOLID."
I was very anxious and depressed after my surgery. Often the anxiety and depression are symptoms of PTSD, so you might want to talk to your therapist about that. You will see the light though, when you start feeling good and healthy you'll being to appreciate that feeling so much that it can rid you of depression almost overnight.
Post Surgery

Post Surgery

I have read many times that something as serious as open heart surgery is often associated with anxiety or depression. I myself had anxiety following the surgery. As Greg said, rehab worked wonders for me, as well as some very light doses of anxiety medication. If the doctor is prescribing something to help, I would give it a shot. They know quite a bit about this sort of thing, and if it doesn't work or doesn't do anything for you, you can always quit with a doctor's supervision, of course. My two cents

Hi, Jason. I am glad to see you still use the site that you told me about. I come here once in a while and posted the Painful Recovery thread. I am 2 months post surgery and have had quite a fight. The pain from where the drain tubes were, the sore neck, headaches, and vomiting were more than I was prepared for. My FNPC really helped get to the bottom of the cause of the headaches. It was the med used for a-fib which I have had twice. Since mid-January, I have been getting better. I have gone to cardiac rehab for 6 weeks so far and, this month, have worked part time, first 2 hours a day, now 4. It feels good to get out. I really missed everyone at work. This weekend I vacuumed for the first time but very carefully. My chest is sore tonight. Regarding the anxiety, I re-live the entire surgery and hospital stay many times and fear that the valve (from a pig) will need to be replaced way before the 15 years are up. Bedtime is my best time to worry and toss and turn. Hope you continue to improve and that your valve is working! I am on warfarin yet with numbers all over, but I have one month to go. I don't know how the clinic will have me stop the warfarin.