Is it ok to get shingles vaccine following AVR?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Greensboro, NC
I've been wondering if it's ok to go ahead and get the shingles vaccine now that my AVR is history. Does anyone know if there are any dangers to my new (2 month old ) valve in getting the vaccine? Thanks , as always, for your input!
Hi Ruthie....Question....are you mechanical or tissue?...I don't know if it mattered and I don't know about the waiting time , if any ... have you asked your doctors? ... That is where your answer lies.... I hope you can .... I just got over the blasted things and I would not wish them on my worst enemy.
I would wait 3-6 months, same as intrusive dental work.

Best wishes,

I had the shingles vaccine administered when I was two years out of AVR. I had no side effects whatsoever, but as tobago suggests, I would wait six months.
My wife went to an HOLISTIC and was given secret
Chinese Natural medicines.
I was skeptic but although not completely healed, she sure got
considerable relief.
I'm sorry to babble on, but the more I think about it, I don't think this is cut and dried. I have heard of some people getting shingles after surgery, precisely because their immune systems were a bit compromised by stress. I think this is the point that I would focus on in discussions with my doctor, whether the shingles vaccine might help keep this from happening.

Just a guess, but Ruthie may be eligible to receive the vaccination as a covered charge (mine wasn't, because I'm not old enough to meet the criteria), and that's why she's posed the question.
I don't think I would consider the shingles vaccination to be any different than the pneumonia and flu shots. The time frame, post surgery, should be approximately the same.
Good questions to ponder and ask the doctor about!
ANY vaccine will depress the immune system. yes including the flu shot. So I would wait and not get the shot until your body has recovered from the "shock" of the surgery and brought back into good health. Stay away from processed foods,eat very healthy fruits/veggie (organic if you can),avoid sugary foods/drinks and get lots of rest. This all helps your immune system work properly.