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Well-known member
May 19, 2003
Sterling CO
Just got my new INRatio from Raytel.:) It is so much easier to use than my old CoaguChek and it is so much smaller. It is nice not to have to refrigerate the strips.
Congratulations Dave. So happy it is working out for you! carrier denied my claim. Even with a life long requirement :confused: QAS was to be working on an appeal. Started this process four months ago...maybe I will hear something by 2008:p
I've been thinking about the INRatio. I have a ProTime and hate how much blood it requires (and I get air bubbles ALL the time). Not to mention you have to refrigerate the test strips and take them out 30 minutes prior to testing. By the time 30 minutes has passed, I've forgotten what I was planning to do! Plus, my ProTime doesn't hold a charge anymore and I have to have it plugged in for it to work. I wonder if my new insurance will pay for an INRatio... They haven't paid for anything on the ProTime at all, so maybe they won't know I have one. :cool:

Let me know what you think of it.
Gnusgal said:
I've been thinking about the INRatio. I have a ProTime and hate how much blood it requires (and I get air bubbles ALL the time). Not to mention you have to refrigerate the test strips and take them out 30 minutes prior to testing. By the time 30 minutes has passed, I've forgotten what I was planning to do! Plus, my ProTime doesn't hold a charge anymore and I have to have it plugged in for it to work. I wonder if my new insurance will pay for an INRatio... They haven't paid for anything on the ProTime at all, so maybe they won't know I have one. :cool:

Let me know what you think of it.

Niki - Your issues with the ProTime are mine exactly. My insurance gave me the option of having my ProTime refurbished (because the battery wouldn't hold a charge) or getting a new machine. I got the INRatio and it is SO much easier.

I hated those darned air bubble errors!
Karlynn said:
Niki - Your issues with the ProTime are mine exactly. My insurance gave me the option of having my ProTime refurbished (because the battery wouldn't hold a charge) or getting a new machine. I got the INRatio and it is SO much easier.

I hated those darned air bubble errors!
Good to know it's not just me... Now I'm SERIOUSLY considering calling up insurance to see if I can get myself an INRatio. You've sold me! ;)
fyrfytr said:
Just got my new INRatio from Raytel.:) It is so much easier to use than my old CoaguChek and it is so much smaller. It is nice not to have to refrigerate the strips.

You'll love it. It will work fine 99% of the time ,and if it does't, Ross will get you straightened out!
I echo what has been said, I have the same issues you have with the ProTime myself. Al got it in 2001 and paid for it himself. He had few difficulties, but now the battery is shot. I started using the monitor too last June because of a-fib. Since June, we have had many spoiled strips for lack of blood. We will purchase the new monitor ourselves. I would like the wait for the new CoaguChek, but I guess that could be a long wait. I just wish there was some way we could try the new machines before making a decision.

Hope you have good luck in getting your new machine.

Blanche - I agree, it would be nice to be able to test-drive the machines before committing to a purchase.

Having had the ProTime and having had the exact same issues with it that Niki has (it wasn't unheard of for me to blow 3 tests due to air bubble, before getting a good test), I think you would be so pleasantly surprised by the ease of the INRatio. I used to get a little bit stressed prior to each ProTime machine test, wondering if the first try would be a good one. (Particularly if I was running low on strips). Now I don't give it a second thought.
Hey Blanche,
I also wanted to get the new CoaguChek but it looks like it will be awhile before it is available so I went with the INRatio and am glad I did, it is so much nicer than my old CoaguChek. The nice thing I like about it is you don't have to store the strips in the frig and the controls are built right in each strip so you aren't wasting 2 strips when you have to test. Raytel has been very good to work with.
I am anxiously awaiting my new INRatio machine. I am relatively new to ACT, since June 06 and mostly have relied on the needle sticks. I begged the local clinic to buy a finger stick machine to no avail. Regardless of the home moniter being off a little this way or that way can't be much worse than the local lab draws. My INRatio comes in Tuesday. Word to the wise, the test strips were $13 each for 4 and $5.75 each for 48.
Karlynn said:
Niki - Your issues with the ProTime are mine exactly. My insurance gave me the option of having my ProTime refurbished (because the battery wouldn't hold a charge) or getting a new machine. I got the INRatio and it is SO much easier.

I hated those darned air bubble errors!


Do you know how many times you recharged the ProTime 3's battery? I've been recording when I recharge my machine's battery.
It was every third test. I should also say that my battery meter rarely read that it was fully charged, even after fully charging. The most it would ever show (when it was new) was 3/4 of a full charge. The last 2 years of use it never read anymore than 1/2 charged.
Karlynn said:
It was every third test. I should also say that my battery meter rarely read that it was fully charged, even after fully charging. The most it would ever show (when it was new) was 3/4 of a full charge. The last 2 years of use it never read anymore than 1/2 charged.
Mine was like that too. But now I can't even turn it on and have it stay on. It has to be plugged in for it to work at all. :mad: Just the other day I finished testing, then unplugged it to put it away. Just the act of unplugging it turned it off. It doesn't matter how long I leave it plugged in, it just won't hold a charge. I don't think I've EVER had it read that it was fully charged... So annoying.
The charge on my ProTime 3 lasts much much longer than that... I let it go down until I have to charge it, don't run tests except on battery.
I did have an in-warranty problem after 11 months, was repaired at 100%. It was some kind of battery problem.