INRatio arrived and working great!

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
Aftering trying to go through Bloodrights without alot of sucess (our first INRatio ended up being shipped to wrong address, etc) we went through QAS with GREAT ease! We purchased it ourselves and will attemped the insurance shortly, but felt it more important to get comfortable with home testing before Nathan goes back to work.

Our first reading today was 1.9 (he went into a fib yesterday and was pretty sick) and at the coumadin clinic he was 2.1 earlier this morning, so it seems pretty close!

Now I have read here that alot of people with the Protime and Coagucheck store their strips in the fridge, but with the INRatio that is not necessary....does ANYONE out there with the INRation refridgerate strips? Any other tips? Anyone order the AC adaptor or happy with batteries only? Thanks Guys!
I do not refrigerate my INRatio strips. It is not necessary and I am too impatient to have to wait until they warm up. I travel with mine and do not worry unless I know my kit will be in a hot car for awhile. Then I put the strips in a cooler.
I have been using mine for almost a year and have never changed the batteries. I do not have an AC adapter but, obviously, it's not an issue.
Have fun - it's a neat little machine.
Any strips that are going to be used within 90 days reside in my fridge. It's written that way in the old users manual, so I assume they have a new one?
The strips are supposed to be stored above 35F & below 90F. The insert indicates you have the choice of refrigeration or room temp (providing it falls within the above range.
I store mine the fridge. I figure they may be just a bit fresher that way than at room temp for a few months. I think humidity is more of an issue than temperature. There's a moisture absorber in each stip package and I think I read that the pack is filled with dry nitrogen rather than air. I've used mine for about 6 months now on the original set of batteries. I've been relying on the home testing results more than the labs since I've gotten some really off the wall lab numbers and my PCP's Coaguchek was right in agreement with the INRatio (I also seem to type it with an "n" at the end almost every time - I guess the fingers are used to that word ending.) Happy finger sticking!