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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
London, England
So how puss is considered too much? About a week ago I had some puss from my scar (I'm 5 weeks post op). I went to see my local GP and nurse who got it cleaned for me and gave me some antibiotics. Then I noticed a tiny (a few drops or so) of puss yesterday. Is this normal? I'm still on antibiotics. The area where I'm getting the problems from in the scar is a little raised and red (I don't know if this is the normal part of the healing process or linked to the puss). My GP and nurse didn't seem to concerned by it...

If it is an infection, should I be worried? I am on antibiotics but I don't see my cardiologist until the 13th July (UK remember so I can't just pop in!)
At 5 weeks post op I still had a bit of yellow leakage from the top end of my scar.
The actual incision was fine, no redness, no heat.
My home nurse was checking it twice a week.
We cleaned it with sterile saline solution, applied double antib cream and a light bandage.
During the daytime, I let the air get to it.
It did take a while, but it healed decently.
I don't think thats anything to run via your cardio. If you're worried go back and see your GP, else give NHS Direct a call. When I got discharged I was given a discharge advice booklet with a number for a discharge advice line. Do you have the same ?
Hey Ajay.
I did not have any trouble with my op scar, but one of my drain tube holes stitching came undone and it was very yuck. Lots of pus. (hmmmm is there such a word as pussy haha - could go down a whole new route!) I went to the GP's nurse every few days and she would clean and dress it for me. (I was chicken). It did heal up.
If your surgery is anything like mine the nurses are happy to do this sort of stuff and you don't need to bother your GP. Also then if the nurse thinks it's not improving it will be noticed quickly.

Hope it goes well

Hi ajay,

I believe you should call your surgeon's office. See what they say, and take it from there. Do not wait for the appointment you have in July. The good thing is you are on antibiotics. I did not have anything like that with my incision. I am not familiar with the British health care system, but if you can't get an appointment right away with your surgeon, or general practitioner, and it doesn't get any better within 24 hrs, maybe you can go to a hospital emergency room. Bottom line, get a QUALIFIED MEDICAL PERSON to look at it.

Keep us posted
One time, Joe had a small infection like you are talking about. He called the surgeon, and they took him in right away, and cleaned up the site and dressed it and gave him antibiotics.

If there is pus coming from it, then it is probably still infected. You don't want that to get a foothold in the incision. Call the surgeon and get in to see him/her.
I also at 5-6 weeks had a small amount of puss coming from my incision as well as where the chest tubes where (I had four of them). If it is alot I would have it checked on again.
Any pus is too much. Indicates infection. Get on antibiotic, if possible have the SURGEON look at it, SafeGel helped me, sold in the US for about $30, dont know about UK. My incision wasnt healing as well at the bottom, so the visiting nurse told me about safe gel and it healed well with that.
I had a very bad time with infection. At home for about two weeks I had puss. I showed my nurse who came every day and my surgeon. They took samples and that was it. This developed into having to dress it up to 5 times a day with a rather large 3 by 5 pad. A few days a new nurse came to see me at home and she told me to go to emergency. It turned into a 2 week stay in hospital with multi anti-biotics and a suction machine. Also at home I had to have IV anti-biotics twice a day for a month.
Soooo....yours may not be the same but never treat infection lightly, see your doctor and if he won't see you go to the hospital.
I spent an extra five days in hospital after surgery because on the day I was suppose to be discharged my incision leaked a little.My surgeon would not discharge me till the incision was completely dry.If the infection gets into the sternum it can be really serious.I would get it checked out pronto!!