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Roger Frank

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2008
Manhattan, KS
I'm post op going on five weeks and all of a sudden developed a red spot about the size of a half dollar at the bottom of my incision. Can infection develop this far out?

Everything else looks great!

Don't know for sure ... is it hot or inflamed? ... Could be just a healing thing ... I swear mine changed color and texture and shape and size ... if it is tender I would give the doc a call.
Congrats on the 5 weeks. I am not sure exactly on the spot, but I would recommend you call the surgeon to be safe. I know sometimes sutures can cause that, but I would call. Good luck.
It's not hot and no fever but I'll call the Doc first thing in the AM. I've been coughing and may have pulled something...oh joy.

Yes, infection can develop that far out. I was 6 weeks post op when I had a red area across my chest. They put me in the hospital for some IV antibiotics and then sent me home with another two weeks worth. It is more unusual for one to show up that late, but it does happen. You need to contact your Dr. first thing in the morning. They don't like to mess around with things like this.
