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My 10 Cents

My 10 Cents

I didn't want Obama to win.

But win he did.

Now he is the commander in chief and has to be respected as such.

While I don't believe in his methods or beliefs, I have the feeling that he will leave the country better than he found it.
While neither dress was something I would pick, I liked the yellow one better than the white one. I definitely would not have worn the green shoes with the yellow dress though! I guess she has more style than I do. Funny, the pictures that have been in the Houston Chronicle this morning were not flatter to the First Lady. She is pretty when she has a full smile, but she was caught in mid-smile several times. I think she will be the media's target.

By the way, I feel old now. The President is just a few months older than I am and the First Lady is younger!
While neither dress was something I would pick, I liked the yellow one better than the white one. I definitely would not have worn the green shoes with the yellow dress though! I guess she has more style than I do. Funny, the pictures that have been in the Houston Chronicle this morning were not flatter to the First Lady. She is pretty when she has a full smile, but she was caught in mid-smile several times. I think she will be the media's target.

By the way, I feel old now. The President is just a few months older than I am and the First Lady is younger!

I could never figure out over the past year how i'm very close in age to BO, but HE is considered young, and I'm old (as for the white gown it reminded me of a chenille spread, an old one)
Lynlw said:
I could never figure out over the past year how i'm very close in age to BO, but HE is considered young, and I'm old.)
A little off subject but I am reminded of someone who, after Paul McCartney got marred to Heather (much younger than he), said: "In 1965, I was too young for Paul; now I am too old".;):D;)
I thought Michelle's ceremony outfit was nice. I thought her Ball gown was not flattering. She doesn't really have a waste and usually those "styling" her make choices that take that into consideration. I thought this dress just enhanced the fact that she's pretty much straight up and down. I heard one designer say "I don't think the "bunched up toilet paper" look was a wise choice." Maybe it was one of those gowns that looks lovely in person but doesn't photograph well.

Joe Biden's wife was given the award for best ceremony dress. Hey, if your knees look good - show 'em!
Hey, if your knees look good - show 'em!

Yet another reason I don't bother to shave my legs! You'll never catch me showing my knees!!!! A fraction of the left ankle seems to be just the perfect amount of flesh!
I thought the dresses Michelle Obama wore yesterday were lovely and looked great on her.
For what's its worth (nothing I suppose) I didn't like either dress.
I got the impression that Michelle was trying to upstage her husband. JMHO
I thought her dresses looked lovely, and what is more, she herself has a very dignified and gracious manner. That's my opinion.
Yet another reason I don't bother to shave my legs! You'll never catch me showing my knees!!!! A fraction of the left ankle seems to be just the perfect amount of flesh!

Hey - that's my best part too. I try to keep it in shape with Left Ankle Aerobics. :D

And my knees will never see the light of day, with the exception of a jacuzzi, pool or ocean.
Figures that Ross can turn a Presidential Inauguration into a sex thread! Where's the rest of the dirty old men?
Speaking of the Inauguration, Superbob does some free-lance work for Virginia Military Institute. The entire Corps of Cadets marched in the Obama Inaugural Parade, marking the 13th Inauguration in the past 100 years in which VMI has marched.

Here they are on YouTube. (It was on C-Span; the networks had cut away by then because the parade ran late.)

They were the last unit in the parade, but in my opinion they were the finest marching group. As do many Virginians, I feel enormous pride in them.

(For the ladies in this thread, here is a predominantly male contingent in uniform, though there are some very smart and physically fit women in the Corps, too -- VMI having gone coed 10 years ago.)

I will admit a tear came to my eye watching the Corp's precision, and the President and First Lady (who surely must have been parade-weary by then) seemed to greatly appreciate the VMI cadets' hard work and precision marching. Michelle gave them a thumbs-up! (The cadets had to get up at 3 a.m. to get there, and then waited in the cold for hours before stepping off.)
I understand the pride you feel, Bob. They are magnificent!
I think they saved them for the last so they didn't overshadow the performances of the units that came before them.