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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
This is Chris (Lisa's husband). She went in for her replacement at seven this morning. I have just been informed by Dr. Bolling that the surgery is complete and went very well. She is currently resting in ICU and should be up soon. I would like to thank all of you on this site who have offered support and advice to her as we travelled this path. I know it has helped ease many of her fears. I will update later and soon enough she will be on here to tell her own story.
Wahoooo. Thanks for the update Chris. I have been thinking of her this morning. Give her my best when she is a little more clear headed. I hope all continues to go well for her. Also sending a hug for you and the baby.
That was Quick!!! I'm thinking for her and wish her a speedy recovery. Give you daughter many hugs and kisses for her!
I've been thinking about her all morning. Glad things went smoothly. She'll be up, hugging your girl and knitting lace in no time!
Thanks for the update Chris,
Glad she's on ICU and all went well :)
Hope recovery is just as good,
thinking of you both
Love Sarah xxxx
What good news, Chris.
Thank you for letting us know she is safely out of surgery.
Please send Lisa my very best wishes for an easy, bump free recovery.
We look forward to her being up to posting again when she is ready.
Great news, been thinking of her this morning and was wondering how it had gone. Here's to a smooth recovery now. Tell her we're all glad she's on the mend now
This is Chris (Lisa's husband). She went in for her replacement at seven this morning. I have just been informed by Dr. Bolling that the surgery is complete and went very well. She is currently resting in ICU and should be up soon. I would like to thank all of you on this site who have offered support and advice to her as we travelled this path. I know it has helped ease many of her fears. I will update later and soon enough she will be on here to tell her own story.

Thanks Chris ....your post made me smile for two reasons 1) Lisa is on the right side of the mountain and 2) by your title I thought she got bumped as she had feared yesterday but WHOPEE that was not the case
That's great news, because it's all downhill for Lisa from here. Let us know if you have any questions, because there's a whole lot of experience with recovering from OHS on here.
Wonderful news! Glad to read everything went well, hope a continued and successful recovery, I know she was nervous about the surgery so now that that's behind her she'll feel a little better!
Great to hear. Best wishes to Lisa on a smooth recovery. Lucky for you both to have a young daughter to keep everyone smiling.
Hi all Chris again. Lisa is still in ICU due to some bouts of nausea due to her sensitivity to pain meds. However as I am typing this, the good people responsible for her recovery are getting her out of bed and onto the path to recovery (or at least to a chair). But hey progress is progress.
Great news Chris. Yes I still remember when the nurse came in the first day in the Cardiac ward and told me they were gonna get me outta the bed into a chair. My response was "not hardly" but they did and to be perfectly honest, I felt so much better sitting up, in fact they then had a hard time getting me back in bed. But yes, progress is progress and hopefully the nausea will pass soon. I too don't do well with pain meds or anesthesia so it took me a little time to settle my tummy. Give Lisa my best and give your little one a hug. Don't forget you need rest also. Take Care. :)