In AFib and fluid on lungs

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Active member
Mar 23, 2013
My husband went for hois post surgery checkup. Since he wasn't feeling that well yet, they decided to do a chest X-ray. The next day they called and said there was fluid on his left lung. He was told to stop his warfarin and get an appointment to have the fluid drained off his lung. Two days later he went into AFib. The surgeons office told us to call 911 or go to ER. In ER all kinds of tests were done and he ended up back in the hospital for four days, for the drainage and maybe a cardioversion. After the drainage, they decided to evaluate the AFib on the 19th since it's only been a month since surgery. What are the chances of the fluid returning? Has anyone had it removed? And how did it go? Since he has had cardioversion three different times, he isn't to worried about that. He is feeling better after having the lung drained. One liter was removed.
I just got home from hospital having fluid removed from around my heart and lungs. These were two separate surgeries. I am also taking meds for afib. We had been working on bridging to get my INR numbers theraputic before this with my husband giving me Lovonox shots in my stomach. I wasn't feeling well and had kind of an all over pain. When he took me to our small local hospital they did a cat scan and hub said their eyes were all wide open. All that fluid plus by then my INR was 7. Another airplane ride for me. I, too, wonder if the fluid could return and will be researching and asking docs as I have several appointments ahead. I feel a lot better and INR is good today and getting close at 2.4. I was more worried if that was ever going to happen but am feeling better each day. I may even try helping in the grocery store shopping tomorrow.
Had my AVR November 1 with 9 days in hospital and just got home from spending 10 days in hospital for other two surgeries. Follow your doctor's orders and listen to what your instincts tell you. I, out of the blue, stood up and said let's get to the hospital (I usually am never one to go) and will never ignore that little voice again.
Take care and do let us know how it goes.
Oh and almost forgot.......hubs said most of my fluid was around heart and they had to enter two ways to get it. Lungs not as much.(walking and being up and moving helps)
USE that spirometer! 10 times per hour even at home. It really helps on those lungs
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Fluid and Afib are not uncommon after surgery. I was on a diuretic for fluid a little more than a month after surgery though I didn't have enough fluid to warrant having it drained. I also had a couple incidents of Afib. The risk of both issues decrease with time.
He is also doing the tummy shots for ten days. INR won't be rechecked until Monday.
As don said, both fluid buildup and afib are common after valve surgery. I had both as well, although my pleural effusion was not bad - it resolved without intervention. I just had to do a lot of extra exercise with my spirometer. As for the afib, I was on amioderone for 3 months post-op. That did get things under control, but I also have a pacemaker. I now take metoprolol (a beta blocker) to keep my maximum heart rate down to an acceptable level, and I have the pacemaker to make sure it doesn't get too slow. I did have bradycardia (very slow heart rate) prior to surgery, but after surgery it all went wonky, hence the pacemaker.

I'm now almost 6 years post-op, and as long as I take my meds and make sure pacemaker is OK, I'm doing fine. Your hubby will too, I suspect.