I'm thinking tissue?

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Bad hair day ?! Where's that gel !?

That looks just like me most of the time! :D
I just love the look of an unkempt man. ;) As long as there isn't dried food on his mouth or clothing.
My pennies worth

My pennies worth

Hi there.
My only advice for choosing a valve is think about you, your lifestyle and what feels right.

I went tissue. I don't know why exactly. I was asked just before they put me under cause I still hadn't chosen and although I can't remember...apparently I said tissue!

I have had three years with it now. No warfarin, just baby aspirin....But then not all are so lucky with the drugs. You may end up on warfarin anyway. I ended up on beta blockers and Buccastem anyway.

I do however enjoy Tae KwonDo, and Ice skating which I'm told I will have to give up when replacement comes along again at which time I'll go mechanical.

The thought of another surgery is worse for me now that I've done it once...tI was fine with the thought of two before I had had the experience. But don't let that put you off...I had some extremely bad luck during my 17 days in hospital.

Go with your gut feeling..Ask people who's opinion you cherish. Ask medical people...both surgeons and cardiologists and then make the right decision for you. Cause no matter which you choose it WILL be the right choice for you.

All the best

I do however enjoy Tae KwonDo, and Ice skating which I'm told I will have to give up when replacement comes along again at which time I'll go mechanical.


Why would you have to give it up? I don't know anyone that has given either of those up. Take a look in the lifestyles forum. There are folks still practicing martial arts and skiing and skydiving and you name it. Guess what I'm trying to say is, don't believe everything you hear. ;)
So I just met with my first surgeon today. He was really great at not pressuring me either way on a type of valve. He did say that most people my age (38) get mechanical valves to avoid more OHS's. He also said that the next surgeries get more complicated and are not nearly as easy as the first one. So a couple of questions. Is there anyone out there that has had thier tissue valves repaired? It seems like most posts are from people that recently got the tissue valves and haven't needed them replaced. Another consideration that I am having is that in 10 years the valve replacement probably won't require OHS. With the links to new procedures already I would think that in 10 years it would be common place. Any help is appreciated!!

Seriously, best wishes to you on your decision.
What an uncanny resemblance Ross ! Spooky !!

Bina, you're right, although I've probably been sent to Coventry for a while it has been a fun, if not a little edgy Thread.

CCummins would do well to take on board the wise words of Lotti, she makes some valid points there ?

Lotti.. I'm taking Warfarin and having read and read some more I've decided not to give up any of my activeties, as and when I feel strong enough to continue with them .
editted because I decided to keep my mouth (or fingers shut)

oops too late lol so I'll put it back
Yes that is Lotti's pOV but many othrs have already had one or more surgeries (even with complications) and still prefer to choose tissue valves and are happy with THEIR choices.
Since this thread is already side tracked from the origonal questions, I've noticed IF someone comes on and says I've chosen mech, or even like this one I'm leaning toward, the following responses are good for you, glad you made a choice ect, I don't recall ever someone posting on that thread saying anything wrong with that choice.or God forbid that person must be Nuts,or brings up questions about dealing with coumadin when they are much older, which they all hope to be. BUT if a thread starts out asking tissue people a question, it turns into the same thing over and over.
Yes that is Lotti's pOV but many othrs have already had one or more surgeries (even with complications) and still prefer to choose tissue valves and are happy with THEIR choices.
Since this thread is already side tracked from the origonal questions, I've noticed IF someone comes on and says I've chosen mech, or even like this one I'm leaning toward, the following responses are good for you, glad you made a choice ect, I don't recall ever someone posting on that thread saying anything wrong with that choice.or God forbid that person must be Nuts,or brings up questions about dealing with coumadin when they are much older, which they all hope to be. BUT if a thread starts out asking tissue people a question, it turns into the same thing over and over.

Lyn, Amen...I've noticed the same thing too and have had several private conversations with fellow tissue valvers about it as well. I know that recently, a couple of new people on here have p.m.'d asking questions about my tissue because they were feeling attacked by people with mechanicals trying to change their minds. I really don't understand why someone else cares what valve someone chooses. It's not their life and they have already made their own choice.

I swore to myself that I would NOT get into this discussion anymore. But the responses are so entertaining that I keep coming back:rolleyes:.

My wife, who is not a valve patient, but is a retired Registered Nurse makes a valid argument; you all can either worry about "did I take my pill today?", or "I wonder if my next reop is about due?". To that, I'll add "Youse has your druthers....and youse takes your picks."

The real problem is getting the unbiased information to help make a decision:(.

I would be very careful about "projecting" how easy this surgery will be in the future.:confused: Obviously, heart surgery science has come a long way...but I have to say that, from many of the posts I read, this surgery is still much like it was 42 years ago:p:eek:......and that is my biased opinion. I am sure that there are many good, valid reasons for selecting a particular valve, but "future expectations" ain't one of them.
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When I had my tissue implanted, it was my second OHS in four years so I fully well knew what I was facing and choosing. My second surgery was far easier on me than my first. All involved in my care remarked at the hugely noticeable difference in my condition. (Same hospital, surgeon, cardio and some of the same nurses.)

I am coming up to my one year anniversary for having my new valve and I am so grateful and satisfied with my choice. IF I should require a third cracking of my chest, so be it. (I, however, strongly believe in under ten years valve replacements will be done percutaneously in a large majority of cases. None of us knows for sure but that is my opinion based on what professionals I respect have told me.)

For ME, tissue was/is the right valve.
Why do we tissue valvers feel we need to defend our choice? :confused:
Plain and simple for me...... I did not/do not want a ticking valve and did not/do not want ACT. If I end up on ACT anyway, I will have known I did what I could to avoid it. I took it for 2 1/2 months post op so have had 'my test' of it. There is nothing wrong saying we don't want ACT if that is how we feel and if we can avoid it, there is nothing wrong with doing so IMO I, like most others here, was given the choice. I made my choice.

I most assuredly do not want to offend anyone and that is not my intention and I hope everyone knows that. I am a straight forward person and say what I think but never mean to offend.
I swore to myself that I would NOT get into this discussion anymore. But the responses are so entertaining that I keep coming back:rolleyes:.

My wife, who is not a valve patient, but is a retired Registered Nurse makes a valid argument; you all can either worry about "did I take my pill today?", or "I wonder if my next reop is about due?". To that, I'll add "Youse has your druthers....and youse takes your picks."

The real problem is getting the unbiased information to help make a decision:(.

I would be very careful about "projecting" how easy this surgery will be in the future.:confused: Obviously, heart surgery science has come a long way...but I have to say that, from many of the posts I read, this surgery is still much like it was 42 years ago:p:eek:......and that is my biased opinion. I am sure that there are many good, valid reasons for selecting a particular valve, but "future expectations" ain't one of them.

Dick I have to disagree about the changes, I wasn't involved with heart surgery 42 years ago but there has been HUGE differences in the 20 years i've been involved. Back then it was routine to be in the hospital for weeks following surgery, now it is more common for it to be days. I was shocked when Justin had his surgery at 10 the difference in just that time and how much better the doctors staff were at treating things like pericardial fluid (that Justin was in and out of the hospital for 6 MONTHS when he was 18 months old) and not only are much better at treating many of the complications that were routine 20 years ago, but actually prevent many of the problems so now they are rarer. I also saw more improvements in the 10 years since. I don't expect the same amount of improvements in the next 20 years, just like I am not counting on tissue engineered valves being ready when Justin needs his 6th OHS, but I do believe that things will improve and be easier wether it be more min invasive procedures or in the cath lab in the next 20 years.
Lets see if I can clear this mess all up once and for all. None of us can or will choose a valve for anyone. That is the individuals choice and theirs alone. The only thing I care about is that they are getting correct information from all sides. Many here like to make a point of why they don't want to take Coumadin, which is fine, but the reasons for not doing so is usually far from the truth. As soon as a Coumadin/Mechanical person corrects something they know is not correct, it's automatically taken as were trying to sway a persons choice toward mechanical. That is not the case and it should never disolve into the things that it does.

I'll stand by my original thought of the primary consideration of anyone facing this surgery is to do it only once if it's at all possible. Sure there are many many text book surgeries and recoveries done everyday, but their are also bad cases and horror stories too. These people need to know that when making their decisions. The ultimate decision is between them and the creator. None of us can say what any one persons surgery will be like or how it will turn out, whether first or fifth surgery.

End of rant and hopefully, end of feuding.
To use a quote I once heard from a great and wise man...

"Agree to Disagree." ok, one more quote that was actually better...

"You pooped in the refrigerator and ate the whole wheel of cheese???
I'm not even mad...I'm impressed!!!"

Yes, the great Ron Burgundy.
woodbutcher wouldnt send you to coventry mate maybe newquay to surf dude lol,also i think theres only us english who will know what you mean by being sent to coventry,for you other guys it means in the doghouse,this disscussion has cert rocked the boat a bit,but hey remember us guys are all family,we love each other but we argue lol,we all been through ohs and the trauma that comes with it,so what if we ahave a tiff now and again,we all still know what its like to walk the walk as there say,one last thing to say,whichever valve you choose is the right one ok
woodbutcher wouldnt send you to coventry mate maybe newquay to surf dude lol,also i think theres only us english who will know what you mean by being sent to coventry,for you other guys it means in the doghouse,this disscussion has cert rocked the boat a bit,but hey remember us guys are all family,we love each other but we argue lol,we all been through ohs and the trauma that comes with it,so what if we ahave a tiff now and again,we all still know what its like to walk the walk as there say,one last thing to say,whichever valve you choose is the right one ok
Ooo, can't wait to use that on my husband "Knock it off or I'm sending you to coventry!"