I'm officially "class of 2016"...

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2016
Near Dallas, TX
I was released on Friday, stayed overnight at a hotel near the hospital, and came home Saturday morning.

My experience:

Pre-op was very good, They did, of course, shave my chest and do all the pre-op stuff. Though I was confused as to why they shaved my whole left wrist, but only about 3/4 of my right. The anesthetists came in and talked to me for a few minutes. I remember them wheeling me into the OR, which I did find pretty cool looking. A poke with a needle later, and I'm in ICU post-op. I found out the day before my discharge that I had an all female surgical staff, which I found pretty cool.

ICU was not pleasant. I kept dry heaving and was very hot. I kinda snapped at one of the nurses (not proud of that). I told her I was hot, and she's basically like, "Let me finish what I'm doing...", and I basically told her, "you don't understand...I'm very hot and need to be from under these blankets." It was a little better once she removed the blankets. I was very close to having a "freak out" moment. Obviously, I didn't sleep well, either.

The first days in Recovery were better. The nurses were pleasant. Though I think one of my drainage tubes moved, because I had a heck of a time doing the breathing exercises. That vastly improved once they got the drainage tubes out. In fact, on my discharge day, I "sucked" a 2,000 on that inhale machine thing. I still didn't sleep well, partially because I have a bad lower back, and partially because about the time I'd doze off, it was time for another series of meds/tests/etc. and I was afraid to sleep on my side. The left side of my stomach has numerous injection sites. They gave me this medication that made me poop like crazy, too.

My back is indeed sore, and I am still very stiff. It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight.

Surgery Date: April 11, 2016
Discharge: April 15, 2016