I'm Home! Finally! Surgery went well!

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Hi everyone!

First and foremost, PLEASE accept my thanks for all the good wishes and prayers sent my way. They definitely worked! I'm feeling great! And, I sure was not expecting to!

To reiterate: went in on 2/13 for AVR when carotid and internal jugular were compromised and surgery was stopped and put on hold for 2+ weeks. During that time it was discovered that there was a strong fistula connection between the two that definitely needed repair. My surgeon, Dr. Clifton Lewis, wonder man that he is, decided he would do that repair in addition to the AVR at the same time. So, we rescheduled for Fri., 3/2. That happened to be a bad day in Sarasota for heart problems and several emergencies backed up everything and I finally got in at 7:30 a.m. on Sat. He had come to see me about 2:00 Fri. afternoon and gave me the option of an operation at 8:00 p..m. with an exhausted surgeon and exhausted team, which, of course, I declined as long as I was assured the very first slot on Sat. morning, which I got!

Since I had to have the carotid/internal jugular fistula repaired also, surgery lasted until after 3:00 p.m. and it was "minimally invasive". I was really hoping for that, but didn't want to get my hopes up too far. Apparently, my higher power was smiling on both of us that day. I have one 4" long incision just on the top of my right breast, one fairly good hole about 1/2" in diameter under my right arm (must have been for a probing tool of some kind; this one is quite sore), one small 1-2" incision under the right breast, and a small hole for a probe or catheter which ran under the left clavicle. I don't look too pretty right now, BUT - - - compared to having a full sternectomy - there is absolutely no question about what to do!! Needless to say, coughing is very tough and they all seem to want you to cough! Thank God I haven't sneezed yet.

I did have some very bad back aches. Primarily behind my right shoulder blade. My surgeon said he thought it might be from the chest tubes that were left in for a few days. He said he had been getting these kinds of comments and they were looking into the possibility of what was causing this extreme discomfort in that area of the back. As for removing the chest tubes, it was a piece of cake. Had one removed two days after surgery and the other removed the day before I was discharged (4 days after surgery). The left clavicle catheter was taken out on the 3rd day after surgery. All 3 of them were removed without one ounce of pain!! I asked why and the gal said the chest tubes they were using now were a lot smaller than the ones they had used a few years ago. She said the earlier ones were like garden hoses. I can honestly say, not an ounce of pain!!

The dreaded breathing tube came out in recovery. I woke up with it in and started waving my hand in the air to get attention and then pointed at the tube trying to indicate that I wanted it out!! They seemed to get the idea and removed it. Not a pleasant experience, but not that horrible either!

My neck has a 4" long bulge in it where the repair was done, but is not overly sore and according to the surgeon, should disappear within the natural folds of the neck that appear on a 64-year-old woman.

All-in-all, I have to say to everyone out there that what people say on here is so true - "the anticipation is the very worst that you'll experience" in a normal surgery. I got so much help from everyone here that I will never be able to repay. I only hope that I'll be able to relate what I experienced and possible some comfort to those that are in the "waiting room".

By the way, I have a St. Jude Biocore Stented 25mm tissue valve (porcine). I was truly afraid of the mechanical with the nosebleed issues I seem to have and luckily, the valve was large and it was a great fit, so a tissue could be used. I hope I'll never have to have it done again, BUT, if I did I doubt very much that I would be any where near as worried about it the next time simply because I've been through it now.

Anyway, I am now tired and going to bed. I hope this will help someone.


Wow! You sound terrific. I'm so glad you are feeling so well. Continue to take it easy and rest as you need to. Take it slow... You did it :) :)

Congratulations on arriving home and making it through surgery uneventfully!

Welcome home, and to this side of the mountain. I'm glad to hear you're feeling great.

I also had back and should aches, although the worse for me was my left shoulder blade not my right. My doc thought it was from being "manipulated" into position during surgery.

Now take care and pace yourself. Continuing to wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Jan, you sound wonderful and I'm so glad you finally have it all behind you now! Dick had shoulder pain for quite a few weeks after surgery- back-rubs helped the most. You wrote a very inspiring post for those in the waiting room. Rest up, walk as much as you can and heal quickly.
Jan: glad you're doing better. Now take it easy, and when you can, get outside and walk around and smell the air and thank god for this precious life.


Good to see you posting again :). WELCOME HOME!

Thoughts/prayers for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Get the word out" ... Collective Soul ... 'Feeling Better Now'
Take it easy

Take it easy

Way to go Jan and welcome to the other side. Take it easy and rest, but of course do the walking and stuff you are told to do. I returned to work to soon and wish I hadn't in fact i would go back off today if I thought I could. So enjoy the time of rest and recover at a slow pace.

I too had a very sore back after surgery. I had a masseuse come over and he really helped me recover. He was gentle and took it slow and easy. I had to lay on my side so he brought a big body pillow for me to hold on to while he worked on my back and neck. It really helped. God bless, and I hope you recover well.

Excellent update; you sound terrific! Now lay back and rest for a few weeks while you recover and be sure to read-for-fun, Jan!
I am glad to hear everything went so well with your surgery. Good luck on a smooth recovery.
Just a quick response to a couple of points:

Wayne: I, too, believe that the manipulation of the human body within the confines of that skinny table are grossly under explained. I'm sure that with all the abnormal twisting, turning, pulling, etc., the muscles are sure to complain afterwards.

Randy: The thought of a masseuse is absolutely great! Not sure why I never thought about that, but sure am glad you did!

Stretch: The "fistula" was NOT there previously. It was caused by the anesthesiologist attemtping to insert the Swan Getz catheter. Not sure how it happened, but a fistula (or as the experts like to call it - a connection) was opened up between the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, which is apparently a very big NO NO. They hoped it would heal itself which didn't happen and they had to repair it. By the looks of my neck it was a pretty big deal. However, it doesn't hurt, I don't feel the "trilling" any more, the blood is apparently flowing properly in that area, and the bulging scar will diminish in time.

All in all, I'm just so very grateful to be here, to be home, to be feeling good, that all the rest just doesn't seem to matter too much. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about.

Jan -

I am so happy for you, after everything you had to go through PRE surgery you deserve a break on the other side.

Yes, various aches pop up over the first few weeks in places we didn't even know we had. I have this dream that after we're asleep the surgeons contort our bodies in unnatural ways just for sport - lol.

Glad to hear your recovery is going smoothly now, rest and don't overdo it. Pamper yourself for awhile.

Take care and congrats!