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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
All is well.....anneurysm gone....released from hospital Friday...went to nursing facility Friday. WORST judgement,mistake of my life. Home now will explain later
tiered now chat later
Glad you're home, will wait to hear your story when you get a chance.
Happy to hear you are safely home.

We'll be interested to hear your story when you are up to telling.

Take good care and don't over do things.
All is well.....anneurysm gone....released from hospital Friday...went to nursing facility Friday. WORST judgement,mistake of my life. Home now will explain later
tiered now chat later

Hate to say it, but I figured that might happen. Glad your alive and HOME.
Great to hear from you Star! Have been praying for your recovery and am so glad you are home. Write when you feel stronger.
Well here is the Nightmare Gallery Story or how I busted out of re-hab

Well here is the Nightmare Gallery Story or how I busted out of re-hab

Remember this was my decision, so I have got to take my lumps and "I told you so's".
Hospital drove me by ambulance to this (I will not name yet, I have bigger things planned) at 7:30pm, the so called nurses were more interested in my scar than bathing me, the hospital said the short stay sub acute place would do it. They washed off my wounds and re bandaged on a not washed body.This was the night shift, they gave me my pain meds and that was it. I was starting to feel anxious and wanted to know when the rest of my meds were coming especially my 'Xanex"...they gave me smashed up pills in a cup, I asked what they were they said lasix...I asked why smashed, they did not answer me. Very long story short, by the next day I was in full anxiety, palpitations, no pain meds in severe pain. Called my doc and myself with the help of my sister in law busted out. There is so much more to the story but I don't have the head now....chat soon......
Remember this was my decision, so I have got to take my lumps and "I told you so's".
Hospital drove me by ambulance to this (I will not name yet, I have bigger things planned) at 7:30pm, the so called nurses were more interested in my scar than bathing me, the hospital said the short stay sub acute place would do it. They washed off my wounds and re bandaged on a not washed body.This was the night shift, they gave me my pain meds and that was it. I was starting to feel anxious and wanted to know when the rest of my meds were coming especially my 'Xanex"...they gave me smashed up pills in a cup, I asked what they were they said lasix...I asked why smashed, they did not answer me. Very long story short, by the next day I was in full anxiety, palpitations, no pain meds in severe pain. Called my doc and myself with the help of my sister in law busted out. There is so much more to the story but I don't have the head now....chat soon......

Wait til your ready. I've seen this happen more then I've seen anything good come from those places.
Hi Laura!

Hi Laura!

Great to hear from you Star! Have been praying for your recovery and am so glad you are home. Write when you feel stronger.

Thanks much for your prayers, I am glad we are both home. I now have a fever that started about an hour ago of 100.8...I started feeling tired and waek this am, well I will take an aspirin and see what happens...my scars feel like they are on fire...mopping myself with water for now..yes I am in air condition...well if it gets higher I'll be off to the ER....

Please go to the ER, Star. Why take a risk? You should not be running that fever.
Sorry to hear you've had a hard time and hope things start to look up.
101 degrees F for over an hour, I was told to report to the ER. Because of your ordeal earlier, It sounds like excellent advice. Their mishandling of you could have started up an infection.

Best wishes,
Spoke to my doctors, fever has stayed below 100.9, they said if 101f go to ER. Frankly it has only been above 99.9 twice, I am really tired at times, other times I feel like my old self. All the meds I am taking make me quesy,trying to space them out. So far doing this alone has not been as bad as I thought. My phone rings off the hook though and had to explain to my family that just because I do not answer sometimes, does not mean they then have to call my cell..lol. They mean well. Well thanks for all your concern..will post soon.
Hope your fever stays down, but glad to hear you are doing all right otherwise. I have my own (negative) opinions on nursing facilities. Sorry your experience was poor.

Hoping you're feeling 100% soon! :)
Linda, sounds familiar. I ran a fever for about two weeks after I got home. It was an inflamation and they did hospitalize me to make sure the valve was okay and there was no infection. All my blood cultures were good so they were convinced it was fluids around my lungs. They finally took 700 cc's of fluid out of my left lung yesterday. My back is so sore today. Anybody else have this happen? They have now tapped my lungs twice since July 2nd. Oh, and my insurance company just advised that they will not pay for the 4 day hospital stay with the fever because it was unnecessary. Gotta love the insurance companies. I am not getting upset now over it.

Linda, my point is watch the fever. Hopefully, it will go away but my doctor told me if it's over 99 with me taking Tylenol, then it's a fever and go to the ER. Over 100 with no over the counter meds should be watched also.

I'm so glad you are home and that this is behind both of us! I'm only across the river from you in NJ. I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and I can tell you that my chest is starting to feel a little better. It is still very tight but at least I can now sleep on both sides. Make sure you eat. My doctor told me yesterday to buy Ensure because I have no appetite. Good nutrition is KEY to our healing so make sure you eat.