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Well-known member
May 20, 2004
Townsend, MA

How can I tell you how it feels to be on the otherside of the mountain and home late Tuesday (5 days in hospital start to finish)........As Dorothy states "There's no place like home".

I am extremely tired and had a pretty rough day with travel (2hrs from the hospital) and just the exitement of going home. I will post later and remember we are a family even though they didn't replace the valve.

You are all in my prayers............! Talk later.............! Your stuck with me.!

Harry "G" :)
Hi smiley!

I can't wait to hear about how happy you are that you escaped a valve after all the worrying about what to choose. This is gonna be great. It's still surgery none the less, so don't be doing anything foolish for a while. :)
Hi Harry

Congratulations on coming home.......WHEW!!! So glad you're home, safe, and everything went so well. Rest and get back to us when you're feeling up and about.

Welcomeeeeeeeeeee HOME

Welcomeeeeeeeeeee HOME

Glad to see you posting..but, nap walk and take pain meds and stay off computer......Rest, walk, nap..Bonnie :D :D
Welcome home Harry! I look forward to your mountain climbing story. Don't try to be superman or your body will remind you who's boss. Take time to recover fully.
Great to see you are back!

Great to see you are back!


I am so glad that your surgery went well and you are home resting. I am on my way to the hospital in a couple hours and I am ready to get this over with and recover along with you!

Take care, get lots of rest and I am personally happy to be "stuck" with you here.

I have been following everyone's story on here. I am so so happy for you Harry , It is very scary to go through what you did. I am going maybe soon, this will be my second surgery, but I am hopeful. Just really rest and listen to your body. I am the type that just go go go and just push myself to try to do things perfect. NOT GOOD. I am learning to listen to my body now, and that is what you have to do , Harry. I realize now how important that is...:)))))) I am so happy for you that you are over the other side of the mountain :) ..rest and take care......I always pray to God for everyone's health in the world to be good. God must be looking down and saying "come on Jenny give me a break".....you will be fine ..........rest and be grateful , which I am sure you are........Jen

Welcome home! Take it easy for now, please. You will be feeling much better very soon and will be tempted to do too much. You do need your exercise daily, but be sure to rest with your feet up, as well. Use that spirometer and breathe deeply!

We look forward to hearing from you, when you're ready.
Welcome home Harry! :)

What Bill said...walk, breathe, nap.
Hi Harry,
Welcome to the 'other side'.
It's good news that your valve is OK.
But remember your still stuck with us!!
So relax and get well and enjoy your new lease on life. :D
~Glad to see you home Harry! Like eveyone else said, dont over do it! I have been feeling so good that I think I did over do it just a little and today my body has said, "not so fast, pal" So listen to what your body tells you!
