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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Hey Everyone...

I have to tell the hotel if we still want the outstanding rooms by 9-27-04. If you don?t have your room reserved...... DO IT!! Or you won?t be guaranteed our price. And they only have 62 rooms... so ?sooner is better? as my cardiologist likes to say.

I also have to tell them how many people we?re feeding Friday night and pay for the meals. So if you haven?t confirmed and sent your money.... DO IT!! :)

And don?t forget your post cards!! And don?t forget to find a gift if you wanna do the gift exchange! :) lol I feel like I?m yelling last minute advice to my kids as they?re leaving the drive on their way back to college or something!! :eek: lol Sorry! :D Just wanna make sure you all have your little rears covered.

Only 21 days!!
Let's see,

Room reserved .................................check

Friday dinner for 2 paid for..................check's in the mail, (really)

Gift for the Yankee swap bought..........check

Post card.....hmmm....does it have to be from my home town, or will a Minnesota one be sufficient? So far I've only found 1 "Princeton, MN" postcard and that was a lovely picture of our water tower....boring! I'll keep looking, but will probably send a Minnesota one.

Thanks for all the advice, "Mom"!
Girlfriend Jean......... that?s an A+ for you!!

Girlfriend Jean......... that?s an A+ for you!!

Any MN post card will do. Mine only say CO. It really irritated me when I went looking for a Cortez post card... there aren?t any! Grrrr... I found one, a beautiful picture of a water fall in the mountains near Stoner and the other a picture of Indian ruins at Mesa Verde Natl. Park. Both within ten miles of Cortez.... but NOT Cortez. :rolleyes: I think I?ll write my Chamber of Commerce!! :mad: lol
Check, check, still looking for the postcards and gifts. O.K., I actually haven't gotten around to the gift thing yet, but as soon as things slow down a bit, I will. I even got a surprise call from a VR.Commer at a tennis match last night, so now I have a cool roommate :) :) Talk to you all soon.
General question: What is a "Yankee swap"?

Question for weekycat:
Where is Princeton MN? I was in the Minneapolis area this weekend. Want to go back just so I can hit some of the stores there.... Told my hubby I want to spend a week shopping @ Mall of America. Been there numerous times already. BTW, my architect brother-in-law helped design the fire protection system (a.k.a., fire sprinklers) for MOA.
I thought I had answered this last night....hmmm....

I thought I had answered this last night....hmmm....

I don't know what happened. Anyway Catwoman, there is a thread in this formum called, "Yankee Swap Rules", that should explain it.

Basically, if you want to participate in it, you bring a gift to exchange...and I think they decided it should be something related to your home state. You all pick a number and then #1 picks a gift, and opens it. Then #2 gets to decide whether they want to steal #1's gift, or if they want to open another one. If they decide on #1's...then of course #1 gets to open another one.
It goes like that until the last gift is opened...at which point #1 can keep the gift they ended up with, or to trade with someone else. Something like that.

Princeton MN is about an hour NW of St.Paul/Minneapolis. You've probably been to the MOA more times than I have...I think I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've been there. I'm just not into shopping or crowds. But, let me know next time you're going to be in the area...maybe we can meet somewhere. Anyway, I guess I'll meet you in Golden soon!
The Yankee Swap sounds like what my Sunday school class does at its Christmas parties. We call it something else, but I'm sure it's no longer politically correct to call it that. :D Lots of stealing gifts back and forth...
My bunko gals used to do this swap at Christmas, but it seemed someone always got 'stuck' with a terrible gift! So, you must take it as a fun thing to do and not expect a gift that you will ever use! Ha Ha,