I survived my Nuclear Imaging Stress test today!

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
I had done a search on them here the other night, and it sounded like a few of you have had bad experiences with them. I just thought I'd tell you about mine.
It wasn't too bad, except for trying to get my heart rate up to 148 beats per minute! I thought I was going to die...and I think they only got it up around 130 bpm. After that was over, they told me to lie down, and a few minutes later I proceeded to have an asthma attack! I guess I kinda forgot about my exercise induced asthma. It's always been self-diagnosed until today.

My PCP happened to be the one doing the stress testing today, so the nurse called him back in and he said, is she wheezing? I said, "yes I am". He asked me if I'd had this problem as a child and I told him yes. He asked if I had an inhaler...I said no, I've never had one. He said, "Well, you're going to get one today.

So...although I won't have the results of my stress test until tomorrow or Monday, I did come home with my first inhaler. Like I said, I actually forgot that I had this condition, because it only happens when I overdue it in the exercise department...which I generally endeavor to avoid at all costs!

I also had my echo today, since it is going on 5 years since my mitral valve repair. For those of you wondering about the longevity of mv repairs...at least according to the echo tech, things looked really good. I'll let you know the details when I get them.

Glad it went well for you!

Good luck on the results ... thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'
glad you now have something you shoulda had a long time ago, prbably. We'll wait to hear the results of your test. Your checkup sounds. I remember when you had your surgery.

Glad to hear the test went well. It's probably a good thing they got to witness the asthma. At least now you'll have an inhaler when you need it. Hope the results went well.