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Well-known member
May 18, 2008
I know this is NO big deal for most of you. I also feel really stupid with this post when there are people with real problems out there.

Here's my big news!:confused: I really and truly SNEEZED this afternoon. I had been SOO scared about this i wouldn't even say (or type) the word. Well, I didn't die or fall apart or have my valve pop out of my chest. The really wierd thing is there was only one. As long as I can remember, my sneezes have ALWAYS come in 2's. This was a LONE sneeze.:D

On another note, my Cardio gave me the OK and my next apointment is in 6 months. THATS NEXT YEAR!!! I am feeling MUCH better and hurting MUCH less. It was only annoying aches any way. those are ALMOST non existant.

Ok, Thats all for my REDICULOUS post. Ill let the people with real problems (like green stools):eek: get their attention.

Sounds like you have taken another step in the healing process :). There are so many things we take for granted before OHS. Sneezing without hurting is certainly one of them. Hope you continue to improve in your recovery.

I am 2 weeks post op and have sneezed 3 times. The 1st time was an experience I don't ever care to duplicate, caught me completely by surprise. The next 2 I had time to "prepare" and they weren't nearly as bad. Just wish my sholders would quit hurting.

Ahhhh, fond memories of the first time........the tickling, the twitching, the big gulp of air and then whammo!!.......a horrific sneeze blasts across the room, sending my husband tumbling from his chair. I let out a scream. I clutched my chest. I survived!!
How to not sneeze

How to not sneeze

Take your two baby pinkies and stick them WAY up your nostrils to the back and massage. (NOT if you have fingernails.)

No sneeze! You will look really stupid, but it's worth it. So if you are walking down your very public street and feel a sneeze coming on, be like PonyGirlMom and make like a tentacle-face!
Well I would almost say your are a true survivor of OHS.. have you had the hick-ups yet? NOW thats the true test.

And you thought this thread was RIDICULOUS.
Ok, Thats all for my REDICULOUS post. Ill let the people with real problems (like green stools):eek: get their attention.

Try hemorrhoids my friend, that's a real pain the the arse. :( I have sneezed a couple times with sharp pain in the sternum...just don't try to hold the sneeze in, let it fly. I don't even want to think what that must feel like (to try and hold it in).

Ah, yes, the first sneeze ! another major milestone passed in the recovery of sheepdog :) I found my heart hug pillow helped, even when I wasn't using it for everyday stuff anymore. I had even been known to grab anything soft and pillow-like in the near vicinity, like a towel . . .
Only If

Only If

you have been through "it" can one understand what an important event that was for you. Keep the pillow close by for a while yet.

In the case of sore shoulders, that too will get better. Mine took me about 3-4 weeks and a great massage from my very talented massage therapist.
My sneeze solution

My sneeze solution

I'm two weeks post-op too and have come up with a solution that is working for me. Instead of allowing the sneeze to pass through my nose I force it to come through the back of my throat and exit my mouth:). It's a little bit loud and I don't think I would do it in polite company but it is much easier on the sternum! Try it.....you'll like it. :D Barbara
Its all these little funny things we rejoice in that makes this such a great place!...I was lucky in that for some unknown reason it was 6 months or longer before I sneezed after my OHS. I guess I was just lucky and my sternum hardly felt it. Even then I dreaded it because of all the stories I had read here!
Well, I just was reminded where and when it happened to me--the first post OHS sneeze. I was going out my back door carrying a few bulky (and not very heavy!) items I just couldn't put down for my usual solution. Yes, the fingers up the insides of the nostrils, slight septum squeeze while actually firmly pressing forward toward the tip of the nose and slight upward pressure invariably worked to stop my sneezes for about 6 or so weeks. I think I mentioned this in a prior post, but when the sneeze urge came on I had visions of Mack 18-wheeler trucks heading straight for me :eek: as in I would finally know what the phrase "I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck!" truly means. The sneeze happened as I desperately squeezed my arms (full of stuff) across my chest--let it blast out of my mouth--and the truck missed! :confused: I then wondered for a moment, and realized there was no pain. :) At least not enough to worry about. Of course that memory is in the 'branded in my mind for life' category up there with sitting in my college cafeteria when Challenger exploded, or being in my living room while my baby son was in a play center when the World Trade Center was destroyed by the terrorists hijacking our jets and flying them into each tower.

The sneeze! A milestone you've just crossed, brother! Let's put it this way, as long as you have some way to hold your sternum together and hopefully a bit padded, the coughs and sneezes will grow less intensely painful and distressing over time. Of course, after that first sneeze I did avail myself the first open door frame I could find. With a few firm smacks between my shoulder blades my slightly misplaced vertebrae crunched back into place and all was well with the world. In other words, no problems with shoulder or any other sort of pain. Unless you know what you're doing, though, don't try it--I don't want to be responsible for somebody cracking themselves open like an egg--or on a more serious note, causing a vertebra or rib to fracture.
