I caught a cold. . .

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
Broomfield, CO
OK, with my AVR and bypasses scheduled for Tuesday, I have an upper respiratory infection. Not in my chest, just seems to be a little discomfort in my sinuses. I have the presurgical tests tomorrow so I will mention it, but is this something I really ought to worry about? I would prefer to get these procedures over with. . .


you should mention it, and let them judge whether to proceed or not. Any respiratory dis-function can affect anaesthestic, increase chanche of lung problems during early recovery etc. They may be OK with it if they know to look for it, they may give you something NOW to help clear it up, they may re-schedule . . but you really should let them know so they can do the right thing for you ...
Absolutely tell the doc. Let them be the judge of what to do or how bad the cold is. How do you feel? When I get a cold in sinus, I feel awful. I hope everything goes as planned for you as long as it is safe. Good luck to you.
I actually feel pretty good. I will mention it but I am planning to take it easy today and think that this will be gone in a day or two. . .

Thanks for the great advice!
Even if you don't feel too badly, when you go for your tests tomorrow try to remember to wash your hands often, and maybe bring along a little bottle of Purell hand sanitizer. You don't want to pick up more germs and you surely don't want to be spreading yours. Good Luck.
Definitely tell them!! I went into a 15 hour spine surgery with a head cold (didn't have a choice...the 3 surgeons i had couldn't rearrange their schedules to all be together again for another 5 months and i needed the surgery immediately). I ended up getting pneumonia that lasted 2 1/2 months! A head cold can turn into something much worse when you have anesthesia.
Smart Move Rob

Smart Move Rob

Rob, you're doing the right thing. It's best to wait until your body is ready before going through with this process. You will need all of your strength.

Best of luck to you.

Rob, I hope you are well soon. Let us know when you get a new surgery date and I will have Mary take you off the calendar and post the new one.
New Date

New Date

Phyllis, and everyone. Have a new date of September 4 for my AVR and bypasses. Dr. Douthit said the same thing that Lauren's Dad said. . . He would rather have me at my peak than rush this when I am under the weather.

Thanks, everyone.

You and your doctor are doing the wisest thing: Your body goes through enough punishment with heart surgery without compounding it by adding an illness on top. Would tax your immune system way too much.
I'm glad you are waiting until you are in good health, Rob and I added you to the calendar for Sept. 4th.
I am glad they put off your surgery and I hope you feel better soon. Hope the wait goes fast for you. You made the right decision for sure.