I can't take this anymore!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2010
north carolina
Last night I woke up to go to the ladies room. all of a sudden I got clamy,sweaty and extreme dizzy. I tried to put water on my face and then I knew I had to get my husband. Next thing I remeber is waking up with blood all over my face and the ambulance was here. I was knock out cold. My face hit the kitchen floor. Luckly my nephew had stayed here last night he heard when I fell and got my husband up. The stupid doctors told me, sometimes after people pee at night they faint. I said just let me go home. They said my ekg looked good and my bp was fine. So why did i pass out, still don't know. I will call my cardio. this morning at Duke. The best part my son sleep through the whole thing. My face is swollen and my lip is busted. What if i was driving with mt child in the car! I am so tired of this all I want to do is cry. Then I ask myself where is the fight in me but I feel so bad.
How terrifying for you. I must admit that I've never heard peeing can make you faint...that's a new one! You definitely should follow up with your cardio today. However, if I were you, I would also line up a couple of consultations with some surgeons at this point. I know from your other post that you are scared of all this, but it sounds like you might be better off, both physically and mentally, if you can go ahead and get this taken care of. It has been said on here many, many times that cardios like to put surgery off until the last second and surgeons like to take care of it before damage has been done. I know in my own case, when I finally showed up at the Mayo clinic, they asked why hadn't I come there years before. My surgeon said he would have preferred to have done surgery on me at least 15 years earlier.

I hope you feel better today and can get some answers.

Yow! Don't just "forgettaboutit"! Because ER doctors see so much that they downplay life threatening things sometimes. I know of more than a few people who had aortic dissection but ER doctors sent them home with a few pain pills when they should have been rushed into surgery. Yours does not seem to be dissection, of course, but get some other opinions!
Oh my. I think I know how you're feeling and understand your frustration and lack of fiight because your feelings mirror my own. These TIA's are hard to understand and frightening. Now what to do? There has to be a reason so I'm pressuring my PCP for answers as well. Two weeks ago had I not been near a chair when my left leg collapsed I would have been on the floor. Unlike yourself I didn't lose conscious. So we just have to get after our doctors seeking a solution.
Thanks Ross for the link--and a new word.
I am so sorry that happened to you. You must be so sore! Definately call your cardio!
My husband did pass out too because of peeing. It was right after his OHS - the day he was released - his body still weak and shedding meds from surgery so he had quite a stream of urine going (sorry to be so graphic) and this urgency can sometimes lower blood pressure too much and make you faint. My husband broke his nose, hurt his neck, head wound (Coumadin was thankfully almost zero after his repair - they said build Coumadin up at home so this helped in that case)... Back to the surgeon (who is the best) in the middle of the night and he explained the peeing issue and just to sit on the toilet until his body is a bit stronger. He said it does happen mostly in old people or sometimes after surgeries... So, yes you can pass out when peeing although it doesn't sound that was your case. My husband only fainted the one time, thankfully.
Best wishes
If you get up very quickly from sleeping, you should really try to sit on the edge of the bed for a minute or so to regulate your low sleeping blood pressure. It could be that just the abrupt change in positions, lying down to standing was enough to cause the faint. You have to get your heart revved up enough to pump your blood so can stand up.

I have also heard about peeing causing fainting, but the more logical cause would be just a matter of doing things too quickly.
Youngmom, Please get this checked out. I know its really scary to have something like that happen, but it needs to be looked into. Dont feel bad about getting frustrated. All of this stuff just really sucks, it just plain sucks, but at least we live in a time where Doctors can help us. Dont roll over on this thing, fight back and get it looked into. Hope you feel better soon.. Daren
Last night I woke up to go to the ladies room. all of a sudden I got clamy,sweaty and extreme dizzy. I tried to put water on my face and then I knew I had to get my husband. Next thing I remeber is waking up with blood all over my face and the ambulance was here. I was knock out cold. My face hit the kitchen floor. Luckly my nephew had stayed here last night he heard when I fell and got my husband up. The stupid doctors told me, sometimes after people pee at night they faint. I said just let me go home. They said my ekg looked good and my bp was fine. So why did i pass out, still don't know. I will call my cardio. this morning at Duke. The best part my son sleep through the whole thing. My face is swollen and my lip is busted. What if i was driving with mt child in the car! I am so tired of this all I want to do is cry. Then I ask myself where is the fight in me but I feel so bad.

Oh my gosh.....I am so sorry this happened to you & the dumb doctors just blew it off! For Pete's sake, get yourself to your cardio ASAP as this sounds serious & you need answers now!

It is NOT NORMAL to get up to go to the bathroom & then all of a sudden pass out as those idiots told you!

Please take care & good luck to you. Keep us updated on your situation.
i agree in that you should get this checked out. nancy, however, has a good point.
try to sit on the edge of your bed when you arise from sleep before standing up.
i've fainted so many times on my way TO the toilet in the middle of the night and FROM the toilet back to bed. have hurt myself quite a few times. now i lie down wherever i am when i feel it coming and elevate my legs on a wall (gets the blood to your heart and head).
please do check it out though; you never know...
stay well and be careful,
If you get up very quickly from sleeping, you should really try to sit on the edge of the bed for a minute or so to regulate your low sleeping blood pressure. It could be that just the abrupt change in positions, lying down to standing was enough to cause the faint. You have to get your heart revved up enough to pump your blood so can stand up stand up.

I have also heard about peeing causing fainting, but the more logical cause would be just a matter of doing things too quickly.

I second what Nancy said, and will add some personal experience. About the time that I learned I would have to have surgery, I got out of bed to dress for work one morning, and immediately felt wobbly and laid down. Then I felt like I was so dizzy I could not get up. My wife called the ambulance and they took me to the hospital and checked me out. Nothing was abnormal. Heart function was fine. ER doc said maybe it was flare-up of inner-ear imbalance (which I had had over the years).

In looking back, I think I did jump out of bed too quickly, and it may been a low blood pressure issue at first, followed by a panic attack. After going through this and realizing stress might be throwing me out of kilter, I calmed down and had no repeat of an experience like this.

Obviously you should take seriously what happened to you and get the evaluation of your doctors. But I do think people are at their most vulnerable when getting up in middle of night or early in the morning and going to the bathroom. I could recite some horror stories but I won't. Just do try what Nancy suggested about getting out of bed slowly, and also try some relaxation techniques. Talk to your doctor about your stress levels, which seem to be high. Perhaps he would suggest a med, or non-med alternatives -- relaxation techniques, etc.

I am not pretending to have the answers for you -- just recounting my own experience and offering my thoughts. I wish all the best to you.

Adding this as an edit: Here is a link to an article about many possible causes of fainting, and sure enough there is even a name for the malady of fainting after peeing. Doesn't mean that's what happened to you -- there are many possible causes. By all means, ask your cardio:

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Thanks to all the responses! I can't wait to hear from you guys. OK I talked to my cardio, he has taking me off the coozart for two weeks and i am to take my bp twice a day and report these finding to him. I explain to him my bp doesn't register on my machine, he feels it is because it is too low. I have also started walking 2 miles a day and have drop 10 ilbs. He informed me i should have been consulting with him on this dieting and exercise. I weighed 147lbs now down to 13 7. I didn't wanted to call him over every little thing. I thought if I got healthier I could stay in the waiting room longer. He said I should let him know over every 5lbs I lose because I am already small and the medicine might be too strong. That is something dang if you do and dang if you don't. Anyway I will continue to fight! My son counts on me. My son is scared now for me to get up because my face is all swollen he thinks I will fall again. I told him mommie will be fine because I have a great doctor, friends and a God that can not fail. I guess to sum this up I need to recognized I do have a heart problem and should not act as I don't. Thanks again

Sounds like you had an episode of orthostatic hypotension:


My husband has had this on and off all his life. Several years ago, I was ill and went into the bathroom during the night. He woke up and went into the bathroom, became dizzy, fell, hit his head on the door jamb and knocked himself out for a few seconds. My first thought was, "Oh, my God! I'm as sick as a dog and now my husband needs to be rushed to the hospital!" We went to the PCP the next day -- I had very bad bronchitis and I mentioned about John's fall the night before. Our doctor checked him out, too, and said it was the orthostatic hypotension and also due to an Rx John takes for benign prostate hyperplasia.
This was before the car accident in which he damaged his mitral valve, which led to MV repair in 2007.

John's dad had MVR twice. I had not met John before the first surgery, so I'm going only on second-hand reports. However, RC did pass out at least once (probably more, w/out him mentioning it, knowing him). This was at work, and he was rushed to the hospital, where they DXed MV problems. I don't know whether his MV problems were due to regurge or stenosis.

Hope you don't have a repeat of your scary episode. It may resolve with the change in meds.
Sounds like your cardio is right on it, youngmom. He obviously wants you to keep him informed, so definitely tell him about things like going on a diet and exercising. Good nutrition and exercise are great, but you don't want to suddenly reduce calories without checking with your doctor, and you want the exercise to be appropriate for you. Moderation in all things. Sounds like things are getting better -- that's great!
Hello! Sounds like you had quite a scare and a nasty tumble. I think everyone here has given you great advice and support. (Don't you just love this place???) I like that the cardio told you that he needed to hear about everything (weight loss). I like that you are realizing that you have to think about things a little differently. Learning is good. Learning is tough. But you do need to be sure that you are safe. If you have ANY and I mean ANY instincts that things are just still not making sense you need to remember that you must raise a strong voice to your doctor and be heard. Okay? Okay!

Heart disease is a funny thing. We each experience it so differently. I'm amazed sometimes that the doctors have even near all the answers. I think one thing we do here at VR.com is train ourselves to be good detectives. We don't have answers, but we sure put together the important questions to lay out to the guys who do. There is some adjustment to the disease (however it manifests itself in us, individually). And then once you are "fixed" there will be adjustment to that, too! We keep learning each day... all of us do.

Continue to take good care of yourself. You sound like a tough cookie with strong faith. That's the best combination!!

Best wishes.

Hi Youngmom!

It's good to hear you went to your cardio! Passing out should never be taken so lightly ( as the ER dr's response was). Don't feel your being foolish, or bothersome calling your Dr. A great cardio wants to know of any changes that may be taking place too. Exercise and weight loss, for heart patients certainly should be monitored.

Take care!