Hump Day?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
North Texas, USA
Well, this is day 9 post-op and the difference between yesterday and today is amazing. Today I'm sore and stiff, especially after getting out of bed this morning, but feel enormously better and more energetic. My task, of course, will be to keep myself from overdoing it, but so far I'm taking it pretty easy. I also slept through the night from 11 pm to 6 am for the first time since before my cath.

So this is my question: did you folks experience a hump day, over which you got and things seemed measurably better? If so, when (how many days), and how did it "feel" in terms of energy/pain/discomfort/tension levels?

Just wonderin'.
My task, of course, will be to keep myself from overdoing it.

You're right there: overdoing it is so easy to do!

I also slept through the night from 11 pm to 6 am for the first time since before my cath.

It seems much too early to do that; I remember the three-hour night lasting for months.

So this is my question: did you folks experience a hump day, over which you got and things seemed measurably better? If so, when (how many days), and how did it "feel" in terms of energy/pain/discomfort/tension levels?

If I had a hump day, I'm sure I overdid it, and paid for it afterwards. Recovery is not a straight uphill course, a little more improvement each day; it's definitely a two steps forward, one step back kind of progress. Take it easy, and enjoy life.
Well, this is day 9 post-op and the difference between yesterday and today is amazing. Today I'm sore and stiff, especially after getting out of bed this morning, but feel enormously better and more energetic. My task, of course, will be to keep myself from overdoing it, but so far I'm taking it pretty easy. I also slept through the night from 11 pm to 6 am for the first time since before my cath.
DEFINITELY DO NOT OVERDO It, no matter how much you are tempted shall pay the price later. Just relax and enjoy the recovery and give your heart the chance to relax from the procedure.

So this is my question: did you folks experience a hump day, over which you got and things seemed measurably better? If so, when (how many days), and how did it "feel" in terms of energy/pain/discomfort/tension levels?

Just wonderin'.

I am like you...for many long years I could not sleep before the surgery without a sleeping pill or a small dose of xanax, and since the surgery (thanks to God and knock on wood) I sleep much better...I slept a straight stretch after the 10th day, even though I was in an upward position with too many pillows behind, but woke up feeling refreshed.

As Jim said, recovery is one step forward, two backwards, yet with little improvement each day. Rest as much as you can. increase your walking exercise and rest again.

I rushed my recovery, it took me two months to go back to where I was!
Yep, one step forward, two steps back. Perfectly said by Jim.

And on those days when you take 4 steps forward, yep, you guessed it, it's 8 steps back!!! What you won't have is resilience. You will poop out and that's it, there's nothing in the bank to draw on. So beware the lure to venture off by yourself for a nice long walk, or day of errands. You won't make it. You will need a rescue.

We all recover at a different pace. But your body has been through the tempest!!! Be gentle as it sheds the effects of the trauma and the heavy duty drugs. I couldn't even begin to quantify a pattern for you. It really is just a process.

Rejoice in your wonderful recovery! It sounds like you are just doing beautifully!!

Best wishes.

My case was severe, but two days after surgery back in 1977 my parents had a time of it trying to keep me down of course I was a teenager. My realization came when 4 months later I could cut the entire yard with a push mower, instead of just two passes.

Sounds like you are doing great! Good luck & God Bless.
No hump day for me. Just a bit better each day. I did have my first go at overexertion on day 7 post op. I didn't feel awful the next day, just extra tired. I am just starting to sleep through the night ... for about 6 hours anyhow. Almost at 5 weeks. I did get some Ambien which helps a little. It will give me 4 solid hours sleep. Not 8 like I had hoped. I try not to take it unless I wake up at like 1 AM and can't get back to bed. I just hate taking pills!
Well, this is day 9 post-op and the difference between yesterday and today is amazing. Today I'm sore and stiff, especially after getting out of bed this morning, but feel enormously better and more energetic. My task, of course, will be to keep myself from overdoing it, but so far I'm taking it pretty easy. I also slept through the night from 11 pm to 6 am for the first time since before my cath.

So this is my question: did you folks experience a hump day, over which you got and things seemed measurably better? If so, when (how many days), and how did it "feel" in terms of energy/pain/discomfort/tension levels?

Just wonderin'.

I've been lucky to not have any "two steps back" days -- each day seems to be either the same or slightly better than the day before. At least in terms of energy and overalll pain/discomfort. I do have days where I'm more/less nauseous or dizzy, but that tends to be due to what I last ate, the weather and/or the amount of sleep more than anything else. I'd say that each day is a little better but with the variability in food, sleep, and exercise masking the day-to-day improvements. So don't get too discouraged if you feel like you're going backwards once in awhile, you'll be back to where you were quickly enough.
I guess the reason I'm wondering is because once I was home after the CABG, I improved steadily and was back to work in 3 weeks. I'm not doing that this time, but was a little surprised that I felt so well so soon. I did discover that I was handling my pain meds better (fewer gaps)--but at one point this afternoon, I sat down for a read/nap and realized that I felt no pain at all. Not even a tiny ache. That was definitely a first. It came back later, of course, but milder, and I'm still pretty comfortable, even after a couple of visitors. And bless Little Owl; she came over and did some hoovering before the visitors came, so I didn't have to worry about people being swamped by dog fur.

I think it may be something like what Tbone mentioned: the contrast between "before" and "after" which I didn't expect to feel so soon. Before was probably just a lot worse than I had realized.
So far so good for me Big Owl.I am five and a half weeks post-op and besides not sleeping all night or the taste buds not quite right yet I am doing great.Started driving again a week ago.Walk a mile a day usally on the treadmill because its been cold out.Saturday it was 72 out, and with my wife laid out by the pond to catch the warm rays.Got to admit though I keep checking my hands and feet to make sure they wern"t turning blue and grey(side affect of amiodarone).My next appointment with my surgeon (23rd) is to convince him to take me off some of the medications.Then I will be one happy camper!!!!!!
Sounds great, book. Keep on truckin' and inspirin' the rest of us.

I almost fell out of bed laughing this morning when I found out that I hadn't slept through the night again, but was actually back on hospital time: I thought it was "real" morning, but it was 2:45 am. So I went to the bathroom, popped another hydrocodone, and went back to sleep--for another six hours. Still feeling pretty good (especially after a nice warm shower and a "massage"), so we're going to try an outing to the grocery. I'll use one of the wheelchair baskets, but I've been cooking since I got home and have exhausted the larder, so I need something to cook.

Nothing like going through AVR (and the debilitating months before it) to make one appreciate the basic accomplishments of daily life!