Hubby getting a pacemaker

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2006
Montreal, Canada
My husband who has been being followed for a few years by the same cardiologist as myself because of a slow and sometimes irregular heartbeat just lost consciousness running up the stairs last night, hit the floor with his face and blood was pouring out on the floor!!:eek: Miss Zen here (that's me) started screaming uncontrollably. Long story short, we purposely went to the Heart Institute since he knew he passed out because of his rhythm problems. They saw him right away and they are going to implant a pacemaker Tuesday (Monday is a holiday in Canada). In the meantime, they are keeping him. When I left this evening, he was still in emergency, but he is supposed to eventually be admitted and get a room.

I will keep you posted after Tuesday. If I don't reply right away to your replies, it's because I will be spending most of the day at the hospital.
Oh my, how scary for you!
I remember you talking about your hubby's bradycardia a while back, and was hoping that it had resolved itself.
He is in a good hospital and will be good as new before you know it. Sending hugs :) :)
Oh Miss Zen that would be scary. So glad to hear he is in good hands.

Special prayers and ((((hugs)))) coming your way and don't forget to look after yourself and try to get some rest.
Thanks everyone. He just got into a real room this evening. He was told that it will be done either Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope it's Tuesday. I will keep you posted.

Thanks for the link dtread.
Hi Adrienne, I have a Medtronics ICD implanted in July 2008 and a patient in the RAFT study by the Ottawa Heart Institute but implanted at London Health Sciences and Monotored by St Marys here in Kitchener

I was "paced" on August 17,2008 but was not aware until Sept when I attended at the Implant Clinic for my second monitor reading then on Nov 23 it once again tried to pace me but failed so the defibultor kicked in and brought me back... It was 10:30 am and I was sitting injecting insulin and wondered why it was taking me longer than usual and only found out in Jan when I was on for the RAFT study monitoring

Then Feb 18,2010@2:30pm I was once again revived unbeknown to me until I was at the Heart Function clinic @ St Marys and as my Cardiologist was telling me I could not drive he said that on the bright side we knew it worked and I should stop testing it ..... sure he has never been a passenger with my wife driving ........ just kidding honey you are a much better driver now that I keep my eyes shut

My ICD has saved my in more ways as I have no sternum and CPR would do me in .... by the way my implant was done as an out patient booking in at 8am and leaving at 2 pm I am sure Hubby will do fine

I am sorry to read of your Husband's problems, but wow, Greg's story is inspiring on what a difference the appropriate device can make. We all will look forward to reading updates Adrienne.
Thanks again. My hubby will be having an echo tomorrow, so I am not sure whether the implant will be tomorrow or Wednesday. I think probably Wednesday.

Greg, so your ICD is both a pacemaker and a defibrillator? What a story!!!


Oh, I forgot to add this: when I visited my husband today, the daughter of his roommate (his roommate is a very old woman - in Canada they mix the sexes if there is a bed available) mentioned to the nurse that she had had a miltral valve repair at the same hospital (Montreal Heart Institute) three years ago. I had a mitral valve repair at the Heart Institute a little over 4½ years ago!!! Can you believe the odds of this happening!!!!

That must have been quiet a scare! Thank goodness they caught this in time. Please keep us updated.
.....................Greg, so your ICD is both a pacemaker and a defibrillator? What a story!!!

An ICD stands for Implanable Cardiac Defibrilator mine was funded by the RAFT study at O.H.I. and is wireless that could have an in home unit that when in distress will contact and relay the details to a hospital base unit ...I was talking to a gent in London Ontario who has the home unit and when he was shocked in his basement the unit in his second floor bedroom dialed and sent the info and before his wife could call the hospital they were calling him :eek2: I was impressed enough to ask my Doctor about it and was told that they had already talked about getting me a unit ..............gotta love Canadian health care :D free free free free free

Adrienne the study is coming to an end but if I were you I would ask about it any way ....hey they even pay my parking when I go for monitoring:biggrin2:
Wishing you the very best.

There is no free free free health care. Pay for it here or pay for it there, but you are paying for it.