How to pick a machine for home monitoring

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Active member
Oct 2, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sometime in the next couple of months, they will be placing my pig valve with a mechanical one.

I am wondering what qualities you look for in selecting the machine you feel is right for you?

Depends on what machines are marketed in the country you live, pricing structure for the machines, whether you plan to travel with one, etc.

I consider the CoaguChek and HemoSense products equal. I have a INRatio (HemoSense) and like it very much. I haven't flown with mine yet, but I did several times with my ProTime 3. It fit in my overnight bag under the seat in front of me, but the INRatio is much smaller.

Test strips don't require refrigeration (ProTime 3 are OK at room temp for up to I think 30 days). I don't think CoaguChek strips require refrigeration, either. I like the changeable batteries (ProTime 3 is built-in).
What to look for......good question if you have a choice.

When I wanted one, the only one I saw available in Saskatoon was the Coaguchek XS.
It's simple and easy to use.
You do know that you will need a prescription from your doc for any kind of home monitor and make sure it reads "monitor, test strips and lancets".

How are you feeling Kevin and how was your test yesterday?
I like my coaguchek xs but I think, from what I've heard, that the InRatio is easier to use. Examine cost, cost of strips, who your insurance uses as a durable medical equipment provider (in Canada, not sure how that works, I am in U.S.). Coaguchek xs has been very reliable for me so far. Had the machine since this past July.
I haven't flown with mine yet, but I did several times with my ProTime 3. It fit in my overnight bag under the seat in front of me, but the INRatio is much smaller.

Marsha, I've flown several times since I got my INRatio2. I add it to my carry-on and hardly know it's there. I carry all the needed supplies inside the INRatio2 case.

Kevin, from what I hear their new model Coaguchek and the INRatio2 are about the same. The QAS trainer said the Coaguchek was a little harder to use but I 'think' she was talking about the older model.
you mean to say there's a harder way of getting a sample? I find the Coaguchek very easy to use. And trust me, if I can use it without looking at the instructions or having cheat notes anyone can use it :)
Thanks everyone. This is helpful.

Thank you for your interest, Freddie. My angio went well yesterday. They went in through the wrist, which I found much more comfortable than the groin ones I've had before.

I got a perscription for Lasix, so hopefully, I can unload some of this water and breathe a little easier soon.

The cardiologist said between my stress test a couple of months ago and now, my condition has deteriorated quickly. He is presenting my case to the surgeons tomorrow.

Rather than a date for OR in six months, he hopes to get me in within a month - which would be a relief to me. I'd just as soon get this handled.

I had very mild symptoms prior to my first two operations, but this time is really miserable.

AFAIK, INRatio was the first to use on-strip control standard and drop the refrigeration storage requirement. It's my understanding that Coaguchek now offers similar features. I personally have used the INRatio and now the INRatio2 have been pleased with both units.

My 2 cents,