How to Hear Your Mechanical Valve (if you want to)

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
I just discovered that, if I open my mouth and slowly breath in or out, it works like a resonator, and I can hear my valve. Normally I can only hear it when it's absolutely quiet. Weird...

I hear mine most when there are reflective surfaces around like glass or tile. I can even hear it with a lot of noise, in that case. Otherwise it's only audible when very quiet.
My wife and I can hear mine, in bed, but not when we're sleeping, if you know what I mean...

Clearly yall are reading. :p

But you guys have a choice about hearing it? I guess it's just because mine is so new that I hear it nearly all day, every day. The only time I don't hear it is if there is another sound in the room (tv, music, etc.) But if it's a quiet area, I hear every single tick. I tune it out for the most part but sometimes I can't help but pay attention to it.

Also noticed counting ticks is much more effective than counting sheep when I'm being a little restless :D
I use the same technique when I am on a crowded elevator. Everyone is usually quiet, so I will open my mouth and let the clicking resonate while looking at the facial expressions of those on the elevator. It's a fun thing to do if you have a mechanical valve!
But you guys have a choice about hearing it? I guess it's just because mine is so new that I hear it nearly all day, every day. The only time I don't hear it is if there is another sound in the room (tv, music, etc.) But if it's a quiet area, I hear every single tick. I tune it out for the most part but sometimes I can't help but pay attention to it.

Which valve did you get? I chose the Open Pivot partially because studies showed that it was quieter than the St. Jude. For the first month, I never heard mine, but I think that was because I was still getting over that pounding heart thing. How thin/muscular are you?
I started sleeping with a white noise machine - don't hear a thing :)

Which valve did you get? I chose the Open Pivot partially because studies showed that it was quieter than the St. Jude. For the first month, I never heard mine, but I think that was because I was still getting over that pounding heart thing. How thin/muscular are you?

Well, I didn't really have a choice in which model, because the surgery was already being performed when my Surgeon discovered that I had BAVD. (I think had would be the proper term? lol) The valve installation was more of an impromptu thing, it was only intended to repair the aneurysm. So we didn't even bother going over which type but IIRC. I think it's partially titanium if that helps(??) but most definitely mechanical.

All I know is that it's mechanical, but I can call his office on Monday (granted they're open) and ask. I'll probably just do that so I don't have darts at a dartboard kind of thing going on.

Edit: Wait, IT'S FRIDAY! Maybe I can reach his office really fast, give me a little bit and I'll edit accordingly.

Edit #2: Got in touch with one of his secretaries - it's a 29mm Carbomedics Mechanical Aortic Valve

Also to answer your question: 5'7, 213lbs as of my PCP appointment last tuesday, muscular but a little bit on the chunky side. I've started working out again though, and I'm also beginning to run, as I'll be joining some of the folks here in Cincinnati in March. :D

Had I been given a choice though I'd pick the quietest one possible, if I don't sleep with my fan it can be a little annoying. Unless I count the ticks or just resort to my Ativan.
I'll admit, when I first started researching on valve types, the st jude's valve scared me because of everyone talking about how loud it was. Now that I'm 7 months post surgery I can say that should be the least of anyone's worries. I'm 6'1 150lbs and I can feel my beats at almost all times and when I'm quite I can fear a slight tick kind of like a watch. I do the open mouth trick as well sometimes haha it really does work.