How sore is 'too sore' on my sternum?

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Apr 14, 2011
Hey guys,

I'm at 4.5 months after surgery and doing awesome.

Having said, I was wondering whether a dull pain on my sternum is a big deal or not. Specifically with pushups. Any other movement is totally fine. For now I'm just avoiding the pushups completely since I don't feel comfortable feeling any pain, but I've never broken anything before this, so I'm curious whether this is a "about to crack" pain or an "okay, but take it easy" pain. Like I said, it's very dull, and not as painful as much as it's annoying and worrisome for this hypochondriac. :)

A little bragging now, to give hope for people scared of their athletic future post-surgery: four months in, I started a boot-camp style workout with heavy cardio and weights. For example, on Monday I did squats with a barbell, situps galore, above-head presses, and sprints. Yesterday, a 2 mile run and 2k row for time. Today's plan is overhead barbell squats, pullups, modified pull-ups (for me hehe), and pistols. Owie. February, I was on death's door.
Your sternum is like any other broken bone, in that it takes time to fully heal. As long as it is a dull pain while doing something that would stress it, I would not be too concerned. I would expect this for a couple years, which has been my experience with broken bones.

As for bragging, damn you! I wish I could do all that. I am a bicyclist and having a little trouble pushing myself, even at the year point. Keep up the good work!

Gee, Sara, I had aches and pains in my sternum and chest for a good 6 months or more. Those poor abused ribs and muscles don't quite complaining for a while. Take it a little easy on the chest. A little exercise goes a long way at this stage. Work it, but don't overwork it.
Thanks guys. I've never had a broken bone before so I don't know what's bad and what isn't. Like I said, if I feel *anything*, I stop. I don't actually have any aches anymore, either...
Another consideration - is the pain in the bone or muscle? I'm now about 5.5 months post-op and have recently re-started my home exercise routine. I still feel some muscle pain when I do push-ups, but it doesn't feel bad enough to stop doing them. I just do many fewer reps than I did a year or so before surgery (over 100 in sets of 50 then, only 25 so far now). Over time I'll try to increase reps and see what transpires.
Sarano, is four months not too soon to be lifting heavy weights? I've been concerned about how soon I can regain my fitness. If you're back that fast it gives me optimism. How old are you? I'm 60. I have surgery next Monday. Tonight I jogged a couple of miles, did 5 sets of curls with 60 & 75 lb dumbbells & worked out on my heavy bag in beast mode. It's hard to believe my valve is only .7 cm2.
I still get pain in my sternum post-workouts and also with weather changes and it's been 4 YEARS. My cardio told me last year that if it was still hurting then it probably always will. You are still pretty new so yours will likely go away in time. It used to worry me but now I'm used to it, and it comes and goes.
Sara, if you happen to be built like Dolly Parton, pushups shouldn't bother you at all! Haha. Now to be serious, what were you able to do at 1 month? I know the surgeon has to be extra cautious with people or they'd be ripping their chests apart doing stupid stunts, but I wonder just how strictly one has to follow the 5 lb. rule for lifting. My Schauzer weighs 17 lbs. & I can't imagine it hurting me to lift him into my lap.
Sara, if you happen to be built like Dolly Parton, pushups shouldn't bother you at all! Haha. Now to be serious, what were you able to do at 1 month? I know the surgeon has to be extra cautious with people or they'd be ripping their chests apart doing stupid stunts, but I wonder just how strictly one has to follow the 5 lb. rule for lifting. My Schauzer weighs 17 lbs. & I can't imagine it hurting me to lift him into my lap.

The lifting rule is VERY serious. You really don't want to chance the sternum not healing or healing wrong, it could give you big problems and pain for the rest of your life. Since sternum's are one of the few bones they can't cast to keep people from lifting/moving wrong while the bone starts the intial healing, like they do with arms, legs etc. you realy have to follow the weight rules, a gallon of milk is TOO heavy the few couple weeks, so you don't break or pull the wires or mess up the bone and other tissues healing and possibly end up back in the OR, or cause other probems with how the bones heal tpgether.

You seem to be doing great! I am at 6 weeks post op tomorrow and I still have muscle aches and sternum pain. It gets better everyday, and I am doing more. The people on this site really do know what they are talking about. I have experienced many of the symptoms that are discussed here and have resigned myself to the fact that on the whole...I am continually improving and getting stronger. I can sleep on my side now, my stomach is better (had considerable tenderness and bloating), and my sternum is feeling very strong and my scar is looking great, no roping...redness is minimal.

Keep up the good work and good luck with boot camp!

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Sternum healing process: 6 weeks = 80% healed; the next 6 weeks = final 20% of healing. After 12 weeks, the bone is healed but the muscle tissue will still be tender and weaker. They need to be worked back up to their previous strength patiently and gently.