How soon do I need a tetanus shot?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
Hi folks:

I just cut myself with a drill :eek: and I'd really rather no go to the emergency room, but I think I need a tetanus shot ('cuz it's been...10ish years and the bit's not exactly sterile) and I live in Podunk so there's no urgent care. What do you think?

Sorry to hear about the drill accident. Doesn't sound fun. I think is about every 10 years. Sounds like your probably due. I wouldn't want to go to the ER either, but it doesn't sound like a lot of other options since you said there are not any urgent care centers. Bring somebody with you, or a good book, since it will likely be a several hour ordeal. Do you think you may need stitches as well?

Hope you heal up quick.
Get thee to the ER, PJ. I think you should get one as soon as possible!
Obviously the time to get one is before you need it so you should go right away if it's been 10 years or more since your last one.
Thanks for the advice everyone! No, no stitches. I was using a hole saw and was being to careful to hold the small piece of wood I was drilling that I didn't do a good enough job of holding the drill firmly. At first I thought I'd really messed it up bad--there are lots of small cuts so it was pretty bloody. After I cleaned up the blood and the bleeding stopped I could see there was nothing deep enough to warrant stitches. Kinda sore, though. Of course, Gina's right. I should have had a tetanus shot anyway--it's been about ten years.

My doctor's on-call doc just returned my call and said to wash it good with soap and water and get a shot on Monday. I'm going with that.
Hmmm...bite this, Ross baby! :p

Nurse Mary says Tetanus thrives in an anaerobic environment, so, because my cuts are all nice and open and getting lots of air, waiting until Monday is fine.
hensylee said:
tetanus shots are no fun - mine was sore for about a month - moving my arm, etc.

I had the same problem. I thought the nurse just hit a nerve or something.
no, I was warned ahead of time that it was going to happen. Swore I'd never have another one!

Someone left a toothpick in the carpet and I stepped on it and it broke off inside. My dr pulled it out, put in one stitch and shot me!
Yep you need to get one Now!

I just got one last month the first in 20years or more.. they do hurt..but it wasn't too bad..

how is the wound?
Got the shot today. I got a dPt (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus) shot because apparently there have been some reported cases of all three among adults and so the CDC is recommending a booster for all adults. Subsequent shots (ten years from now) will be only tetanus. My arm is achy, but no big deal.
I'm nearly due for a tetanus booster, and a hepatitis A booster. Both are every ten years. Hep A is good to have if you travel or are out in the country a lot, where things might be less than sterile. It was nice to know I was protected during hurricane Floyd, and the recent flooding reminded me of that.

Best wishes,
Our family doctor is gunshy about tetanus, having had a couple or few patients develop severe cases of it. So even when any of our family has had a tetanus booster in the last five years or so, he has us get another booster upon a fresh cut. But they never hurt much. Hope you're feeling better. My sister-in-law ran her sewing machine needle through the end of her finger or thumb once. Ouch! But a drill sounds even worse! Take care.