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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Hank, when did you start the site? I think I found it shortly after it began because the number of members was not very big. I can recall names that were here then - Robthatsme, Gina, Rain Zazzy, Tina, Ben Smith, Bob Gleason........Pretty soon Billy from Ireland came along and then it took off! (Billy's leprechaun?)

I think the new members might like to know just how new this site is and how much it has grown. And how much it has advanced. Maybe a little history for them?
WHAT A GOOD IDEA...........

WHAT A GOOD IDEA...........

Hey Hensylee,

How do you manage to have such good ideas?

All the new technology and statistics on the 'improved' forum will keep track of developments in the future, however NOW is the time to get the historical information down on paper so that it is not lost forever. Never know Hank may decide to open a 'museum' some day and the early statistics would be invaluable.

Now the big question Hensylee - Will you be attending the re-union in Nashville? If you don't appear, I'm gonna be the only non-banger/clicker in Music City. I need your support, so why don't you plan to be there. Short term you could post an Avatar, then we'd all recognise you if you make the trip.

Sure hope to meet you in TN. History History

We started out with a simple mailing list in May of 1999. At first there was only myself. And it rapidly grew to about 50 members or so.

Then in June of 2000 I purchased the domain name of We rapidly grew and grew and grew.

In the month of June of 2001, registered over 375,000 hits. July 2001 has already surpassed that.

July also marked the addition of our first official sponsor of the site. We we're happy to welcome QAS into the fold.

Big things are on the horizon.

I also plan to post on the site a more detailed history and timeline of our existence.
Hensylee is in 1st Place

Hensylee is in 1st Place

Hey Hensylee,

Just noticed that you are leading the field with 149 posts to the new site.

Only person with more is Hank. He's only ahead by 4 and after all he is the Boss.

So when's the Avatar coming then? - If you have any problems, send me a pic and I'll minimise it for you and return it.
Hey Billy - I didn't know that! 149 posts? Wow, guess I need to get a life!

Don't have a picture I want to send yet. NO current ones. I could send a 20 yr old one that is nice and back when I was living on the wild side and went dancing 3 times a week and dressed up to go get a loaf of bread, But this is now and lifestyle has REALLY toned down. Will try to get one, tho and forward it to Hank.

Don't plan to go to reunion so you will have to just listen to the tickers by yourself. So, dance one for me and raise your glass to me.:)