How Many Still Exercise?

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Since my 01/06/2003 open heart surgery, I've walked during my breaks at work (15 minutes in the morning; 15 minutes in the afternoon) as often as possible.

Now, I'm still recovering from my 11/11/2011 open heart surgery at home and have been walking as much as my energy allows. When I return to work, 01/06/2012, I expect to walk when I can during my breaks....

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Walking is good -- weather permitting I try to take a walk at lunchtime daily. Of course, Chicago winters have a tendency to cut that back for months at a time, but I look forward to my walking time as "me" time, when I can sort out my thoughts and plans without the intrusion of the telephone, email, other people, etc.
DH and I walk through most of cold New England winter. My cardio has told me it's safe and fine as my body is acclimated to it. He knows we walk all year and our bodies adapt to the change of seasons/weather conditions.
I am 6 months post -op. Was walking 3 miles everyday in summer/fall. Now I do elliptical for 60 minutes every night and 15-20 minutes of spinning.
After my initial weight loss I started putting on weight as I started regaining my appetite. signed up for (they also have an iphone app) to keep my diet in check. Has anyone else used this app ? Pretty cool and keeps me motivated.
Hi. I am 10 months post-op and see a personal trainer twice a week for cardio and weights work. I've finally worked out that I need to have somebody tell me what to do or otherwise I'll never work out really hard - just cruise along and not get the heart rate up.
I was very good at rehab exercise for a few months, slacked off a bit during the Melbourne winter (June, July, August) but have now been seeing my trainer since September. I've even managed to drag my husband along. I also walk whenever I can. I enjoy a wine every couple of days. Life is good! :)
Happy New Year to all
i started working out 3 months after surgery, and joined a huge gym. i try to go every day for at least 1 hour......except for this month, i have been sick for like 4 weeks straight!
I was doing about 15 miles a day on roller blades about 3 months post op and skated right up to November. I would be on a treadmill or stationary bike but had to get my Hip Labrum repaired last week so I am sidelined for at least 2 months ;0(
I went to the gym the day before surgery as I was sure I wouldn't be back for at least six weeks as I knew I wouldn't be able to drive until then.
At six weeks post surgery once I was cleared to drive again and I was back at the gym replicating what I was doing in rehab classes. Rehab was twice a week and I wanted more as I was loosing my fitness.
I found rehab useful after both my surgeries as it gave me confidence initially to resume physical exertion in a supervised setting.
When I visited the surgeon for my 10 week post surgery follow up I was cleared to resume my normal gym activities, and went back to spin classes and my normal work outs.
I am back to 5-6 days a week.
I'm nearly 8 months post op. Most of my adult life I have steadfastly avoided all forms of exercise as I generally found it to be a deeply unpleasant experience.

When I discovered I would be needing surgery I started walking a bit more - 4 or 5 times a week for up to 30 mins - not fast because beta blockers and my valve symptoms were slowing me down. I did my best for about a year before I had surgery, partly to improve my fitness a little but also because getting out and about helped me cope with anxiety and depression about my situation.

Post-op I did the seven weeks of cardiac rehab and continued with the walking as best I could in the early weeks.

Now I go to a weekly "Exercise for the heart" class which is an hour of cardio activities. When the weather permits I am still walking several times a week as well. When it's not winter time I often have one day a week when I will go on a much longer outing/walk. I still don't like or enjoy exercise but feel I ought to do it, to benefit my newly fixed heart and keep the weight off. I'm slowly getting used to it. :rolleyes2:
I am 7 months post-op. Until my 6th month, I was doing elliptical 30 minutes to an hour every day or two. Now I go spinning every other day and may be elliptical inbetween.
Gradually starting weights. My curse is that I love food too much. So I signed up to a calorie counter web site/iphone app and it has kept me honest. Dropped 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. 10 more to go. Wish me luck. Every pound you shed causes your heart to work a little less harder.
Okay, I'm going to break the chain of the folks here who have halos floating over them about exercise. :) I need to be more like you guys!

I am not so diligent about exercise at 1 year post op. But then I wasn't very consistent about exercise before surgery either. No excuses. Just admitting I have not exercised as consistently as I should in the last 6 months. I'm feeling good and have slacked back into my old work-work-work sedentary lifestyle. About the only significant walking I've been getting is through the airport.

Considering my lack of consistent conditioning effprts. I did quite well on a recent uphill hike in Nicaragua. So the heart is still healthier that it was pre-surgery.

On a positive note, I have lost 40 lbs since surgery and am starting to feel like I want to exercise. I was significantly overweight at the time of my surgery. I have a goal to get back down to my high school weight in 2012. (My 30 year class reunion is this year too!) . I'm sure as I get closer to goal it will inspire me to move more to keep the weight loss going.
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Hi Tracy. Your pix on valvejournal looks great so if u lost 40 lbs u must be HOT. Hope u don't mind put I did post your 6 points of why I'll be fine on the pre surgery site here. It's realllly helped me. Of course I gavevu credit !

I ecercisen2ce a week - but this is PRIOR to valve day feb 9. Hope I can get back to it ASAP after

Once u start u miss it. We usually complain about exercise but when we miss it we don't like it. I'm concerned about not doubt too much after V DAY but I'll take it as it comes

Enjoy. Nancy
Hi Tracy. Your pix on valvejournal looks great so if u lost 40 lbs u must be HOT. Hope u don't mind put I did post your 6 points of why I'll be fine on the pre surgery site here. It's realllly helped me. Of course I gavevu credit !

I ecercisen2ce a week - but this is PRIOR to valve day feb 9. Hope I can get back to it ASAP after

Once u start u miss it. We usually complain about exercise but when we miss it we don't like it. I'm concerned about not doubt too much after V DAY but I'll take it as it comes

Enjoy. Nancy

Post away my friend. But I want to check out your new power recliner. Sounds fantastic!
I run lift weights and participate in boxing/mma classes. With my repaired mitral valve, my body can now handle a heavy physical workload. I'd highly recomend getting into exorsize once you heal up, not only is it good for you but it can be fun as well.
Great to hear how many kept up a fitness program post op. There are times I have to force myself but in the end, I've been pretty faithful to it. I don't question the amount of benefit from consistent exercise as for me it has been considerable.
Hi, I am 1 1/2 years post-op, I slacked in the beginning because I had so many "issues", but now I go to the gym 5x a week and do some "hiking" on the treadmill (ie, in hills mode), and use the stationary bike. I also do some weight lifting. For me I'm doing it to make sure that if I ever have a health problem again it isn't due to anything I've done or haven't done, not that the valve problem was in my control but I feel better knowing I'm doing the right thing for my body.