How long did it take to schedule at Cleveland Clinic?

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2007
My husband's information has been reviewed by Dr. Svensson at CFF and he has
ruled that my husband is ready for surgery. The surgery will be for AVR and ascending aortic aneurysm repair (currently 5.1). We were told that scheduling would call us last Friday to set everything up. They didn't call by Friday so on the following Wednesday I called and they said our information was in the scheduling office and they would call. My husband was not labeled as "urgent". I certainly don't want to be annoying but is this a normal?

Of course, since we found the aneurysm nothing is normal so we are learning to live with this "new normal". You just have to smile and go on..........
So sorry, you have this added anxiety. When Dick had his cardio appt. at Brigham and told the cardio he wanted to use Dr. Cohn for the surgery, we had a date for surgery waiting for us on our answering machine when we got home from Boston- 2 1/2 hours later. Hope you hear soon. You are going to a "good" place and it will be worth the wait!
Normal wait for Cleveland Clinic is around 2 weeks. If your cardiologist rates the case urgent, it goes very fast.

Joann went from review to the surgery in 14 days. They always leave slots for urgent cases.

John & Joann
While waiting for surgery, some physician should be sure that your husband's blood pressure is well controlled with medication, keeping stress on the aortic wall of the aneurysm as low as possible. The intent is to provide a margin of safety from aortic tearing/rupture until the aneurysm is removed.

Blood pressure control/optimization is very important now, and also is something that should be maintained for the rest of your husband's life.

I have been where you are now with my own husband, and wish you the very best.

Scheduling of surgery at CCF

Scheduling of surgery at CCF

thenewmarket said:
My husband's information has been reviewed by Dr. Svensson at CFF and he has
ruled that my husband is ready for surgery. The surgery will be for AVR and ascending aortic aneurysm repair (currently 5.1). We were told that scheduling would call us last Friday to set everything up. They didn't call by Friday so on the following Wednesday I called and they said our information was in the scheduling office and they would call. My husband was not labeled as "urgent". I certainly don't want to be annoying but is this a normal?

I too am trying to schedule surgery with Dr. Swensson at CCF. All my medical records pertaining to AVR are to be reviewed by Dr. Swensson next week. I was told by Rhonda (Dr. Swenssons's secretary) that I should hear from them by the end of next week. If I do not, to call (which I have done many times so far).

I was told by a Columbus heart surgeon (Dr. William Esterline) that I should NOT wait to have the surgery, so I am anxious to get it over with....

Best of luck and let me know how your scheduling is going and I will do the same....

Squeeky hinge gets the oil first.

Now, with that being said there is a fine line between staying in touch with them and down right tickin' them off.

I have never had an issue with getting things scheduled in a timely fashion at CCF. They did "miss" scheduling me for a 6 month CT and when I called and asked about it it was scheduled in accordance with MY schedule within two weeks.


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