How long before you can floss after surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Sterling, VA
In the hospital they would not let me floss, I really would like to floss but it's been three weeks and I know it's going to bleed.

When I was getting discharged they told me to just take it slow and be careful. However, I never did floss before and therefore haven't taken up the practice now, with the blood thinners. I am sure someone else may know the official answer for you, though!
In the hospital they would not let me floss, I really would like to floss but it's been three weeks and I know it's going to bleed.


I don't remember anyone telling me I couldn't, but I know I was flossing before the week was over. I'd try to floss real gently, and if you experience bleeding, call either your surgeon or your dentist and see what they say.
In the hospital they would not let me floss, I really would like to floss but it's been three weeks and I know it's going to bleed.


Wow:eek2:, you modern OHS patients have a lot of rules to live by.....they even gave me beer while I was IN the hospital after surgery. I would think flossing would be OK...just don't "dig".....and you're right, it will probably bleed a little. Flossing should benefit your situation since it will help flush "germs" out of your mouth that could lead to infection......but what do I know:wink2:. Seriously, if you are concerned, give your doc a call.
Are you kidding me ? The hospital did not let you floss?!@#$ Sounds like the dentist needs some work. I flossed right out of CICU after every meal. It is recommended to avoid dental work 6 months post op. I'm doing every thing I can to prevent plaque, which will give you bleeding gums.
Two OHS here and no one ever told me to not floss. I was on a brief course of warfarin after receiving my tissue valve and even then, there was no instruction to not floss.
I did start flossing today...but very gently. My ex brother in law got vegatation in his heart valve after a dental procedure and it almost killed him.
When I was discharged, I was only advised not to use "tooth picks"! You need to floss especially if you have do not want any food to decay and cause bacteria. Just go gently and use the waxed floss threads.
I was so scared to floss so I understand your concern. I would rinse with listerine, floss really gently trying carefully not to touch the gums, then rinse with more listerine. I wasn't doing a very good job and ended up with gingivitus, which is now gone thanks to some prescription toothpaste. I had a cleaning at 6 months and then after that I felt more comfortable flossing.