How do you know?

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
My doctor gets very concerned if my INR goes above 4.0 - I know many of you think differently - but lets not go there.

The question is "how do you know if you are having a 'Bleed'"? or can you even tell if your experiencing one?
My doctor gets very concerned if my INR goes above 4.0 - I know many of you think differently - but lets not go there.

The question is "how do you know if you are having a 'Bleed'"? or can you even tell if your experiencing one?

Good question ... I don't know but I am sure some do ... I would like to know as well:)
Humm....that's a good question Freddie & I do not know the answer either. And my INR has even been in 5.8 range a time or two!!! :eek:

5.2 is my highest ... I have notice that when I bump myself hard and get a bad bruise I get a hard knot in the center of the bruise that takes time to go away.... the joys of ACT:rolleyes:
In my case when I was 11.6 a time back, I started having nose bleeds that would'nt stop. I had to go to the ER to have my nose bleeds stop. I know that's one way you can tell your INR is way to high and you have bleeding. I've also cut myself before and if my INR is in range it clots up fast if not I have a hard time getting the wound to stop bleeding have to apply pressure for a while.
Hope that helps Freddie if not maybe others will come along with more details. :)
Yep, I know one bruises more easily. But when the Doctor is concern about a "bleed", what kind of bleed would they be referring too?
I don't think a bruise qualifies.
HELLO, Did anyone read my post!!!!! It's not talking about bruising. Sometimes I feel when I post nobody ever reads them so why should I post!!!!!
Guess I'm just letting out steam with all this of people dropping out!!! Just hit me yesterday was depressed all day, I usually don't get that way but I'm feeling it now, feel like dropping also because no body reads my posts or seems like they care. Maybe I'm not in the groove!
Nose bleeds without any reason (i.e. cold or other reasons that might cause scabbing in the nose). Brain bleeds can cause confusion, disorientation, speech issues, numbness in various areas. Internal bleeds can cause stomach/abdomen pain and/or black tarry stool. Blood in urine is also a sign.

If I am on the high side, my gums usually bleed or I see bruising for no reason. This only happens if I am above 5.0 or so.
If Blood is running out of your Nose or Ears or...behind...,
you are having a bleed and should get it attended to.

If you have the Worst Headache you have ever had in your life, call 911 or have someone get you to the ER ASAP.

VERY FEW members have reported a Bleed with an INR in the Low 5 range.

Most of us just cut our dose in half for a day or make a Very Small reduction in weekly dose for an INR in the 4 and even 5 range.
Since the inception of the INR system(1990?), I have had fewer than a half dozen readings of +/- 5.0. At these levels, I had no signs of a high INR (as far as I know). I was able to bring the INR down thru dose reduction.

Best protection is frequent testing. Most often, if I get a weird reading, it is a bad test.
Hey Freddie oh and Crystal i'm listening:D

Freddie ive been told to your question how do you know you have a bleed that well throwing up blood is a sign and material looking like coffee grounds ,blood in bm tarry stools this should ive been told from my docs indicate bleeding in intestinal tract,blood in urine could also,but these are things we always need to check out regardless of a bleed or not

Some meds interfere with warfarin and i think from what i was told the platelets the clot system gets a double whammy and this can cause increased inr from medications we are perscribed i imagine even over counter drugs so i always check double with pharmacist on warfarin i take.

Well someone can correct me if i,m wrong but its what ive been told
to watch for for bleeding
How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?

I have recently experienced a slight gum bleeding when my INR elevated at 4.30.
The question is "how do you know if you are having a 'Bleed'"? or can you even tell if your experiencing one?

The year before I had AVR, had a bleeding duodenal ulcer.
I experience no pain but noticed my stools look like tar.
So that's one good sign of internal bleeding.
They found I had hole the size of a dime and squirting blood.

Luckily since I've been on warfarin no more ulcers.
My INR was recently 7.1 and has been 5 to 6 a few times in the last 18 years. No blood.

Last year once my urine look like blood. Found it at 3 AM, went to ER, of course the first thing checked was INR, it was normal. The ER doc gave me the wrong medication, went to my Urologists the next day and he fixed me up with the correct medication.

Bit the end my tongue big time while back while my INR was a little high... though I was going to bleed to death! :D