How clever is your Doctor

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2009
Paris France
Yesterday I went to my local clinic for a flu jab
After queuing for 45 minutes I met the Doctor
doc. I see you take anticoagulant
me. Yes I take previscan
doc. What is your INR reading
me. It was 2.7 the last time I tested
doc. What does that mean
me. Its normal
doc. I can not authorise the vaccination for you
me. Why not
doc. You must come back with the result of your last INR test
me. I have the result, here it is Doctor
doc. When was it taken
me. 1 week ago
doc. No it must be less than 3 days old
me. Doctor I always stay within my range
doc. Sorry but you will have to come back
me. It is only an injection I wont bleed to death
doc. If anything goes wrong we don't have the equipment here
me. At this stage my BP reached boiling point and I guess he became the target for the many stupid Doctors that I had the displeasure to meet

Your guy sounds about as clever as the guy I met in ER several months ago.
dr: Let's talk about your medical history.
me: Well, I had a prolapsed mitral valve repaired on 3/26 of this year.
dr: I see.... Was it porcine?
me: I had mitral valve repair.
dr: Yes, I understand. Was it porcine?
me: (what I said) I didn't have valve replacement! I had my own valve repaired!
me: (what I wish I'd said) We're talking about my native valve here, and you keep asking if my valve is porcine. Are you calling me a pig?!

That along with some other "stuff" got him an appt with the Patient Relations Office, and the Director of Medicine. Grrrrr!
Another one for the wall of shame:
I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism by blood only, no symptoms. So, I decided not to take the synthriod pill:
Doc:So, how are you feeling now that you are taking synthriod
Me: I'm not, please look at my last blood test as I do not have the symptoms.
Doc (looking at recent blood test): Eyes popped out, Oh, you don't have it, must have been a lab mistake.
Me: Yeah right, thank God for google.
Sounds like my GP. When all my issues started in January, she ordered a stress test. When i went back after my stress test to discuss my heart problems, she asked,"why did you go and get a stress test?" I now try to keep her out of the loop.
During an ER visit the nurse came back with my blood work and while waiting for the doc, she mumbled something about INR.
I said, "pardon?"
She: "your INR is kind of high."
Me: "well, what is it?"
She: " INR is 3.3"
Me: "3.3 is perfect, thank you"
She: "don't you have a mech valve?"
Me: "yes, and my range goes up to 3.5"
She was now mumbling about mech valves and ranges, blah, blah, blah,
so I just lay back down and ignored her. She left.....
I did have a chuckle yesterday when I went to the hospital prior to my appointment as they want to witness and note me taking my antibiotics. The usual receptionist, who knows me, was handing over to the afternoon one and explained what she was to write in my notes. I fetched some water then tipped my 3 grams in capsule form onto the counter top, my preferred way of taking them, and her chin hit her chest. I think that I was a first for her. :) I did explain to her that I preferred to take them whether they work or not, at least if I now get a problem I will know that it couldn't be prevented.
If your supposed doc & his staff are actually competent there is know reason to think that a flu shot would cause any problem at all! It would have been hard for me not to tell him just how dumb I thought he was and punch his lights out!:D
My temper has been known to get me in trouble sometimes:D

Al's been on anticoagulation for 19 years and I have been on for almost 5 years. We get shots for vaccinations and every other reason known to medicine. I couldn't even guess how many pokes we have had. But, I do know that if we had as many needles sticking out of us as we have had sticking into us, we'd look like two porcupines!


P.S Never, not even once, was there ever any suggestion of going off anticoagulation for shots.

Do the folks at the clinic not know how to give an injection of any type to any patients? Perhaps they've had major problems with "regular" ;);) patients and figure they can't handle "special" :D patients like us.

It isn't that hard to give injections! Many of us here have given ourselves hosts (Lovenox or insulin), and few of us are medical professionals.

In fall 2004, my employer offered flu shots at work. A nursing service came in to do the shots, and I inquired whether I could get a shot and said I had a mechanical heart valve.
They refused to give me a shot, saying it wasn't advisable.

So I went to my doctor's office for the shot. No big deal with them.

I realized the nursing service didn't have a clue about folks with mechanical heart valves!

Since then, I've gotten my flu shot either at my husband's workplace (a community college) or in the pharmacy area of a local grocery (Kroger's).

Never had a problem with any bleeding, not even a drop of blood!
Geeze, Marsha, when I got my tetanus shot last year at the office clinic (I'd already had the flu shot by then), I didn't even tell them about my valve. They don't need to know everything!
Yesterday I went to my local clinic for a flu jab
After queuing for 45 minutes I met the Doctor
doc. I see you take anticoagulant
me. Yes I take previscan
doc. What is your INR reading
me. It was 2.7 the last time I tested
doc. What does that mean
me. Its normal
doc. I can not authorise the vaccination for you
me. Why not
doc. You must come back with the result of your last INR test
me. I have the result, here it is Doctor
doc. When was it taken
me. 1 week ago
doc. No it must be less than 3 days old
me. Doctor I always stay within my range
doc. Sorry but you will have to come back
me. It is only an injection I wont bleed to death
doc. If anything goes wrong we don't have the equipment here
me. At this stage my BP reached boiling point and I guess he became the target for the many stupid Doctors that I had the displeasure to meet


Monday I went to the local lab. to have my INR checked.
Tuesday I returned to the clinic ready for battle, armed with my up to date INR result (3.1)
Where I met a different doctor, no problem, no stupid questions, no INR result needed
A few minutes later I left the clinic without a drop of blood spilt

The clinic was set up just for the H1Nn1 jab as the government in their wisdom decided to bypass the G.Ps. and pharmacies
So I presume the staff are employed by the State which may explain the lack of wisdom of the doctor.