How big is yours..?

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the horizontal scar from my first surgery is about 16 1/2 inches long. The vertical one from my second surgery (extended slightly by colon surgery along the same line) is about 17 inches long as well plus there is a scar across my right shoulder area where they did something during the 2nd surgery and it is about 4 inches. So that makes for a total of about 37 1/2 inches of scars on my chest.
My sternotomy is 9 3/4 inches from top to bottom.The bottom 4 inches is lumpy (keiloidish) and is still itchy and tender after 3 years.But I'm still here after 3 years which is awesome.:D
I have never measured my scars in all this time, but this post finally inspired me to find out! The one on my sternum is 7 inches and is nicely faded, and my minimally invasive one is less than three inches, not as pretty but smaller and not viewable to most anyways.
Wow, I never thought about a competition on here. When I was younger & other people complained about their scars, I would show them mine & they woud have a better outlook. I will try to measure tomorrow. :)
It's become quite an ice breaker and jaw dropper when I bare it in public nowadays and generally met by wide eyes and polite gasps ..

:D - why am I having visions of you ripping your shirt off in the middle of the pub or supermarket?

Did the big scar under your arm eventuate from your infancy or childhood surgery? Was it some sort of thoracotomy?

That scar was a result of the shunt they put in my heart when I was 18 months old and they went in through my ribs I guess. I'm sure it was nowhere near that big to start with, but I suppose it's grown along with me ;)

My scar is 8" but I wear size 13 shoes.


I always wanted to ask this questions, Anna, but did not!

I have no shame :rolleyes:

Ross - keep on living in hope :p Actually, I've taken some pics, I've just been too slack to download them off the camera.

One day.......


A : )
My scar is 6.75" and still pretty red, but fortunately flat. It still itches and is sensitive to the touch 3.5 months out. I'm a little bummed that some of y'all are reporting scar sensitivity 3 years after surgery.