How big is yours..?

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
:D I'm talking about scars, of course! (tsk, tsk, tsk!!)

My sternotomy scar is about 8.75 inches / 22.5cm and the other one under my arm (and around my back) is 14 inches / 36cm (thereabouts).
I second what Dyna said...about 6.5 for OHS and then the spleen removal scar starts. So it looks like I have cleveage all the way down to my belly button...which actually I do at this stage of my life! LOL!
Are we talking OHS scars or all major surgery scars. I've had 2 OHS, 2 csections, a pacemaker installed, a gallbadder removed. I'll have to get out the tape measure tomorrow and measure. My OHS one is long from the first two surgerys. They kind of combine together tough.
My sternotomy is 8 inches and I have a matching 8 inch scar down my left leg where they harvested my vein for the bypass. I wish my sternotomy scar was as flat and smooth as my leg one...My sternotomy scar could be mistaken for a cleavage shadow so it isn't so bad.
So Big! :D

How bout you girlies start posting in the TOOTS forum and you won't have to ask this question. ;)

Mines about 20 inches long, from the top of my sternum to just above my belly button or potato field, whichever you prefer.
mines about 7-1/2" long, and the girls stare at it in amazement and
fear when i show it on the street.
.oh, yeah, i've got a neat scar, too.
I've not actually measured it but it's pretty big... It's become quite an ice breaker and jaw dropper when I bare it in public nowadays and generally met by wide eyes and polite gasps .. I recon it must be about 9 inches or so in length, pretty smooth but quite pronounced and red at one end... My Doctor has given me some vit E cream to settle the swelling a bit.
Hi Anna

My scars from the robot are 6cm for the chest/underarm incision and 4.5cm for the bypass incision in the groin. People do tend to stare at me at little at the pool, but I think they mainly are trying to work out why my right breast looks different to the left (it’s still a bit swollen at 7.5 weeks, but is getting better all the time).

Did the big scar under your arm eventuate from your infancy or childhood surgery? Was it some sort of thoracotomy?

Mines almost 9 inches but usually hidden by what I call 'SHIRT'
You don't want to see me w/out a shirt on.
My scar is actually kinda cute but my body is UGLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
So very VERY long. :D Haven't measured, but estimate about 8 inches. In the months after surgery, the Starbucks girls kept clamoring to see it. :rolleyes:

Starbucks girls probably thought big . . . scar, big tip!;)
My sternotomy scar is only about 5 inches long, but raised and lumpy, particularly near the bottom. It's darker than my normal skin tone and somewhat glossy. Still quite itchy and tender to touch 3+ years out. Not the surgeon's fault as in the beginning it was very neat and thin. Unfortunately, I have a history of getting keloids from other skin injuries, so this was no exception.
Mine is 4.5 inches and the top 3 inches are keloid-ish (hypertrophied), and of course the bottom 1.5, buried in cleavage (okay!! I'm on the wrong computer... I will get you a photo, Ross!!! ;)) is virtually invisible. No one goes there in the light of day so only I can be content that that part of the scar did what it was supposed to do. I do not have any cut below my bra line and I am very grateful for that since my scar is still pretty sore (more than I anticipated) at almost 3 years out.

Ah, it's that time of year again where the newbies all want to know about SIZE.......;)
Mine is 7 inches.
The lower portion is a thin white line, middle section is a bit bumpy from wires, very top bit is flat and pinkish.
I have the 2 for 1 deal on sternotomy scars. After AVR v.2 I'm left with an 11" scar. My gall bladder surgery was in 1981 and I have a 7 inch, very wide, ribbon of scar from that; I figure that's ok since they actually need to lift your liver and flip it over to complete the surgery. My appendectomy scar is 5 inches long but the surgeon explained that since it was "pink", meaning healthy, they had to do an exploratory surgery of my abdomen. My right knee is wreathed with repair scars and I have a couple of smaller on the left. Of course, every surgery is accompanied by at least one drainage scar.

It's an adventure and a trip my DH likes to take. ;)

Take Heart,