home nurse?

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Jan 14, 2010
NY and FL
Has anyone hired a practical nurse or health aide to help immediately after surgery? I'm married, but I don't want my husband to have to deal with helping me with bandage changes, bathing, bathroom needs, etc.

If you've used a nurse, please let me know the basic source you used to get a referral, for how long you needed someone, etc. I don't know what to expect, but I know I have to make arrangements ahead of time. Thanks!
Nursing Services

Nursing Services

I've no doubt that there are some folks who utilized the services of a home nurse; however, I suspect that the majority of us didn't need those kinds of post-op services.

Experiences probably vary, but I didn't need help with the kinds of things you've got on your list. I didn't have any bandages to change. I think I had a couple of small bandaid things on my chest tube holes, but they told me to just let the bandaids fall off on their own. Bathroom stuff like showering and using the toilet presented no problems. Actually, I was doing the bathroom stuff on my own before I left the hospital.

My wife was somewhat upset because I didn't need her to do as much as she was anticipating. I had to let her do more than I needed just to keep her happy.

You may do just fine without the services of a home nurse.

I had two OHS in four years..... the most recent two years ago and neither time did I have any need for home nursing assistance.
I was able to shower, wash my hair, dress, care for myself from the first day home.
I was extremely weak and tired easily but my DH had to be in his office so, to comply with Mass General's instructions, we had someone here with me days. We planned that would be the case for a week at least but after the second day, it annoyed me to not be on my own. I requested she stop coming. I simply did not need anyone with me when DH was at his office.

I was able to walk stairs, make a light lunch, set the table for dinner and even warmed up things friends had brought for our dinners.

The first few days, I liked having someone in the house with me when I showered but quickly gained the confidence to do so alone.
Everyone is different but most of us have not needed nursing care.
Some folks have a visiting nurse come to check vitals etc but neither time did Mass General think I needed that service.... nor did I.
I was in hospital for 16 days.After that, Hubby was able to work from home and stay with me cuz there was no way that i could stay alone.
We had a community nurse in twice weekly to care for my incision.... it got a bit infected and gross and was freaking out hubby. We ended up having the nurse for several weeks and I thoroughly enjoyed her visits. It gave me some peace of mind.
The hospital arranged for the nursing which falls under our universal health care.
You can probably ask at your surgeon's office or physician.
No...........seems everyone thinks they are unable to do anything after coming home, when in fact you can do most everything. I used a stool for one day for showering then got rid of that. My wife worked so I did my own cooking and etc. Just be careful, use two hands for opening fridg. door and other doors, use common sense.

AVR, single by-pass, 11/19/09. Dr. Suri, Mayo
I had some of these same concerns about being able to care for myself immediately after returning home from surgery. Not only did I find that help was unnecessary but doing things for myself helped rebuild my confidence that I was healing and not fragile. As for the "bandage", most surgeons are now using a protien glue to close then a plastic like membrane to cover the incision so there are no external sutures. It doesn't require any special care other than keeping it clean and it doesn't require changing. By three weeks when the incision is healed, the membrane desintigrates in the shower. The small drain holes do need to stay lightly covered but they, too, require little care. It was nice to have a friend come over for a few days to go walking. During the two or three weeks, it was amazing to discover almost every day that strength and stamina were returning.

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My husband took 3 weeks off work to care for me at home. He was surprised to find I really didn't need him at all - had no problems with showering or toileting and could even feed myself - just had to take things slowly. The only reason I ended up needing him around was to drive me places :)
The first full day after i got home the husband stayed home with me. The second day he went back to work and i was home by myself. I could do everything that i was allowed to do with no one there. I would shower before he left for work just in case i needed help but i never did. I guess it would all depend how well surgery goes and if you would be comfortable by yourself. I enjoyed having that time to myself as I really didn't want anyone around. I wanted to be able to nap when i wanted to and not have any disturbances.
I agree ,Jackie, about enjoying the time to myself to nap when I wanted, do my walks, eat when I wanted and not feel I needed to consider anyone's else's needs or wishes. I made those first few weeks all about me and my healing during the days when DH was at his office. He took me to grocery store, out for casual dinners, did everything I wanted or needed but other than heavy lifting (carrying laundry and grocery bags), I was very independent..... and liked it that way. I only needed two rides for appointments as the second time, my cardio cleared me to drive at under three weeks. (first OHS was a lot longer until I drove.)
I deceided to sign myself into a sub-acute re-hab, (really bad idea) that lasted 23 hours and I signed myself out of there.....recovered by myself at home, just fine. I ate Healthy Choice meals via the microwave , lost some weight, and did just fine. A visiting nurse came to see me 4 times. As long as everything was near me I was ok.
well i looked at the after care as a perk lol,i had my wife and 3 grown up daughters to look after me, i maybe played on it a slight bit,well ok a lot,but hey we derserve it dont we, and them grapes being hand fed was brill ha ha