Hobble Along Cassidy

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm officially joining the Hobble Along Cassidy Club today. So, Miss Betty and Mr. Superbob, can I join you for a while?

I've had two episodes of knee pain in six weeks. The first occurrence was the day the Chimp visited our town. The second, was Saturday; that night I had excruciating pain and we didn't make it to church on Sunday. I saw the orthopedic doc today. He thinks I have torn cartilage, but is sending me for an MRI to rule out a torn meniscus. He said torn cartilage many times heals on its own, but with a recurrence that doesn't seem to be case here. In the mean time I'm being careful.

The moral of the story is to never tease a super hero. ;)
Wise ... Sorry to here this news ... knee pain SUX :mad: ... Does this mean we will not scale the Matterhorn in October?:rolleyes: ... Take it easy with it ... the ice helped me a lot so give that a try......
Freddie, it's the left. However, I did feel right in joining the elite club. No better company to be had.

Cooker, the Matterhorn huh? I thought we were only going as far as the volunteer state. Sounds like we're in for a spectacular trip!!! If you bring along your ropes, we can all just swing up the Matterhorn. Just a swangin'.....
Sorry to hear this, Wise. I may be joining the club soon. I have an appt. with the ortho on Monday to address my knee pain that I have been suffering with for quite a while now. I put it on the back burner when I faced the breast cancer diagnosis, but it is time to address it now- especially if I want to keep up with Dick on our trip to London. It's my left knee as well.
Sorry to hear this, Wise. I may be joining the club soon. I have an appt. with the ortho on Monday to address my knee pain that I have been suffering with for quite a while now. I put it on the back burner when I faced the breast cancer diagnosis, but it is time to address it now- especially if I want to keep up with Dick on our trip to London. It's my left knee as well.

Bless your heart. You're a trooper. You have my prayers that you'll be good as new and Dick will be trying to keep up with you.
Wise, I hope you get to feelin better right quick....

Wise, I hope you get to feelin better right quick....

Lately, it seems that if it isn't someone with knee problems, it's a torn roto cuff (sp), at least in my neck of the woods anyway.... Here's wishing you a speedy recovery from this setback...Harrybaby:eek::eek:
Just a swangin'.....


A reference to John Anderson's "Swingin'", perhaps?

Sorry about your knee pain, Wise. I've had knee pain off and on for about 2 years. I just ice 'em every night...and that seems to work so far for me....

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
Wise,sorry you are in pain and heres the best
in all it gets better soon :(.......prayers

Zipper2 (DEB)
OH, no! I am so sorry. Knee pain is so bad. I limp every morning and walk slow all day - but then I am so old it's expected of me. Hope something can be done w/o surgery. Sit w/your foot propped up to avoid swelling. Blessins...........