High INR and Swelling

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
Hi Folks.
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated. FYI, I do plan to go to the Doc. tomorrow for a check on this situation unless I get real scared and go to the ER this evening....

About 6 days ago I banged the quad area of my leg pretty good. It is sore and seems to be a bit swollen. Today, I bumped the inner part of my forearm on a table and I just noticed some swelling. Normally this would not concern me, but I had my INR tested today and rang up a 6.9. This is very high for me (try to stay in the 3-3.5 range). I am not seeing any bruising on either bump. Is it possible to get a bleed in the leg or arm area without seeing a bruise? I haven't had any strange bleeds from my nose or gums or anything. Any thoughts from the pros in anti-coagultion land??? Thanks in advance for your help.
What are you doing to drop your INR down?

I'm surprised you haven't had a bruise to come up yet. It may still be too early to notice any bruising.
Let us know tomorrow what your doctor says.
I had a bleed in my left quad last November after a fall. Hurt like hell but didnt see anything but a little lump at first. Later my entire leg including the foot turned a beautiful purple. To treat it I was advised to hold for three days ( only time I ever have) and then to start up "gingerly" and stay at INR2.5 I was able to do this with the help of my Coaguchek.Bleeding stopped and OK now.
Thanks for asking about that. To take care of the high INR I'm stopping dosage for 2 days and dropping from 15/day to 10. I'll get rechecked on Monday.
In case anyone was wondering

In case anyone was wondering

Hi Folks.
Went to the doc today and was told that I did have two hematomas (1 in the thigh, 1 on the forearm). There isn't much they can do about it. I'm already on Coumadin and don't have to worry about clots (INR was 5.2 today). Doc said that I needed to take it easy until my INR was in range.
Hope you recover fast from the bumps you have had. I just keep bumping and get bruises. I will be getting more next weekend with the moving boxes. I bruise a lot more easily nowadays, warafin related and more. I am too young to be old yet, LOL. Take care and watch it on bumping yourself too hard. I know it hurts like the dickens. Take care.
T-Money - Just remembered that about six months ago Al had two internal bleeds. First, his left hand was completely black and blue. Then I noticed that his groin area was completely bruised right on down to nearly the knee on one side. He had no idea how this happened and didn't remember hitting anything or bumping into anything. His INR was in range all
through this. Eventually everything cleared up and all his body parts returned to their normal color. The doctor did speculate that these bleeds may have been caused by platelet problems. Al was taken off his daily aspirin and he stopped taking his taking some of his supplements. Hope your problem clears up as quickly and as nicely as Al's did.