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Dec 21, 2010
Hi I'm Maggie.

I was diagnosed with a BAV about 5 years ago after a stress echo. I was very heavy at the time. I'm a nurse and used to recover babies in the PICU who had heart surgery, so I found it hard to believe-now at the age of 40- I had a congenital heart defect.

Three years ago I had gastric bypass. I lost 110lbs and I feel great. Have kept it off. One of the main reasons I decided to do it was that I knew a valve replacement was in my future. But I certainly didn't think it was this soon.

Had my follow up echo about 3 weeks ago. My valve is now at the 1mm gradient, so it's severe stenosis. The cardiologist told me I had to have it done "within the year". But I am so symptomatic with really life altering fatigue and brain fog, that I am eager to get it done so I can get back to normal. I am 45, married, and have 2 kids ages 9 and 5. I have things to do! I need to feel better.

Totally overwhelmed with the choices of valves. Tissue vs mechanical. I keep going back and forth. Have my appt with the cardiac surgeon on Jan 10th, that was the first available. So we shall see what he says. I have a list of questions already.

Do you all know of anyone who has faced valve surgery after gastric bypass? I'd be very interested in talking to them esp re: the valve they chose and why. I have concerns about Coumadin absorption post bypass and some other issues.

Thanks so much for reading my story.

Welcome Maggie.I dont have experience with gastric bypass so I cant help you there.But I have had ohs and know that you will feel so much better afterwards.
Hi Maggie,
I'm sorry I can't help with your gastric bypass/coumadin question but want to say welcome and happy you found us though sorry for the reason.

I had two OHS in four years and though they weren't easy, I was fortunate to have no complications or serious 'bumps' during recovery and there are many of us here who had the same experience.

I opted for tissue valve (bovine) and know for me it was the right choice. It is never easy choosing but you may wish to discuss with your surgeon and cardiologist the likelihood of percutaneous replacement in the near future if you were to select a tissue valve and in 18-20 years needed another replacement. Percutaneous replacements are already being done in patients too ill for OHS and many believe they will be commonplace in the near future.

Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss. They will make your surgery and recovery so much easier on you.
Is there a Coumadin (or Anti-Coagulation) Clinic in your area?
If so, you could go there, or call, and ask about taking Coumadin / Warfarin after Gastric Bypass.
OR, make an appointment with a GI Doc.

At age 40, I'm guessing that your body would most likely 'wear out' a tissue valve sooner than you would like.
(I'll refrain from speculating on a number, but almost certainly less than 20 years and often more like 10 years, especially in younger women aged 20 to 30).

Have you looked at the ON-X Mechanical Valve? See www.heartvalvechoice.com and www.onxvalves.com
The On-X Valves are in a NO / LOW Anti-Coagulation Trial Study (2006 to 2015).

EDIT - Perhaps I should have said NO / LOW Coumadin / Warfarin.
As dtread pointed out, the NO Coumadin study substitutes Plavix for Coumadin.

'AL Capshaw'
Thanks Al and everyone. Very good advice. I think I will continue to investigate with some other docs. Makes sense to see or ask a GI doc. Will see what the surgeon says... thanks so much again.
Have you looked at the ON-X Mechanical Valve? See www.heartvalvechoice.com and www.onxvalves.com
The On-X Valves are in a NO / LOW Anti-Coagulation Trial Study (2006 to 2015).

'AL Capshaw'

To clarify the On-X Clinical Trial is for Reduced Anticoagulation (not "NO" Anticoagulation). The arms of the study include using an antiplatlet agent (i.e., Plavix) instead of Coumadin, and there is also an arm that is studying using reduced levels of Coumadin. The study is found at: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00291525
Maggie, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and there is swealth of knowledge here for the future .....
a list of acronyms and short forms http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?27412-Acronyms

what to ask pre surgery http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...68-Pre-surgery-consultation-list-of-questions

what to take with you to the hospital http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?13283-what-to-take-to-the-hospital-a-checklist

Preparing the house for post surgical patients http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...Getting-Comfortable-Around-the-House&p=218802

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op
Hi Maggie,

Wanted to welcome you to the forum. Sounds like you are well aware of the need to have this done and move on with your life, and that's a good thing. I don't have an answer to the gastric bypass factor in valve replacement, but I bet someone will come along here who has some thoughts, and the medical community should have experience with that. All best to you...
Knowing people who've had gastric or intestinal bypass, my guess is you may absorb less drug in your system, and wind up on a higher than average dosage....Or vice versa! I'll bet you're not the first, however, so asking the local coumadin clinic or a GI doctor sounds like a good start.