Hi From Jan ( Liverpool )

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Hi Folks

While cleaning out my desk this morning I came across a bundle of papers and they were all the good wishes sent to me last December when I had my leg surgery ( my daughter in law printed them out and brought them to the hospital)

It really brightened my morning and got me thinking about my VR Family so here I am.

Sadly for me all my PM messages have vanished so I have lost all the private contact details and telephone numbers I had for my VR friends so please can you send details to me in a Pm' ( thats if you want to stay friends with me )

glad too be back

Hi Jan. Glad to see you. I was wondering how you were doing. I think of you often Since right before Justin's Osteo came back, you wrote about yours in your leg returning, and I had NEVER heard of it a couple years after the first time. I feel like we are somehow related :) I'd love to keep in touch and will pm you
Thanks for the welcome.

Its great to be back, I am doing great had a bout of A-Fib a few weeks back ( scarey) but think it was caused by over the counter meds.

Hank it's Liverpudlians and I'll let you into a secret Bill is a Mancunian ( big rivalery between the soccer teams )

Do we have a chat room on this site ? cos Jan loves to chat

Jan X
Do we have a chat room on this site ? cos Jan loves to chat

Jan X

I agree. Hank, is there anyway we can get that feature back? There are quite a few of us who really enjoyed our Sunday night chats and miss them.
Yes - The chat feature is missed by many and definitely the most requested item to have added back in. It got back burnered with the February switch to valvereplacement.org and the assumption of the technical aspects of the site. I will start looking into it once again. Are many of you using facebook?
Hey there Jan......so good to see you! Think of you often!

And I too wish we had Chat back......it sure was nice getting together on Sundays like we use to! :)

Take care of yourself & please stop by more often!


Hey there Jan....bienvenidos and I know you do know what that means since you've been down here and even had a good Mexican dinner on the Riverwalk..!:biggrin2:

I've been watching videos on Sturgis and can't help but think of y'all..!

When are y'all coming across the pond again?

How's the leg??????
Thanks for the welcome

The leg is doing OK ( no walking stick needed ) we are just back from a week in Belgium visiting WW1 graves we had a really good time and good weather

Hank I am on facebook,

Lyn your PM box is full

Jan X
Great to see you.

Great to see you.


I have been living with a-fib for the last 4 years. It is somewhat of a pain in the neck from time to time. Usually it just is what it is.

I have missed you.
