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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
I've been quiet for awhile and just wanted to drop in and say HEY!! I am doing pretty good. I am getting my INR checked every 2 weeks now and I stay just a little bit high, last reading was 4.1 on her machine.. I prefer it that way of course!! My machine is always 6 points from hers so still not sure whose is correct but I think mine :) Mine shows my INR lower than hers...
I am still staying pretty tired and am really ready for my energy to come all the way back, I think it might be this Great Alabama Heat!! It has been unbearable lately... Hubby and I with his cousin and wife went on a 5 day cruise (my favorite thing to do) and had a great time!! I didn't have energy to dance or climb all those stairs like I used to do but going down stairs I was fine and "I ate like a Pig"!!!! I know most people on here seem to lose weight after the surgery but I gained, I have 13 pounds on me that I didn't have before surgery. I am a small built person and it is going all in the belly making my clothes very hard to fit, ha ha, I sure wish I could push it up the boobs then I would be very Happy :) probably hubby would be too :) My chest still feels funny and if I rub the top it actually hurts, I wonder if it is the pins in there??
I hope everyone has a Great Weekend and I have been thinking of you all!!!!

Soon you shall start feeling better. It felt better right away and then four four months after two months of surgery I was very lethargic, but do not complain now at all.

Like you, I put on weight after I started eating. It was disappointing for me, as I lost easily six lbs after surgery, and little by little and uncontiously they crept back with ten lbs on top of those six lbs. Once you get your energy back, you can start exercising again and will lose them. I lost 5 lbs so far.

Good luck. :)
Glad to hear you are doing good. I do find that the humidity is what gets to me. Has it been humid there? Anyway, I wish you continued good health with your recovery. Good luck & God Bless.
Thank you!!! Yes, it has been so humid it is awful!!! I will be happy when fall arrives, I can't believe I just said that!!
Yep, feels like winter here too. Todays temp was only 59F and I believe there a frost warning around Bina's area last night.
Please send some heat this way Carole and don't be a stranger - love to hear from you
Thank you!!! Yes, it has been so humid it is awful!!! I will be happy when fall arrives, I can't believe I just said that!!

I agree with you!!! There is only so many clothes you can take off, (without being thrown in jail) and in the winter you can always add clothes to get warm. I hate the air conditioner on all the time. Feel so closed up and we live closed up in the winter. Not to mention hearing the electrc bill tick away. $$$. ThEn in the winter you hear the gas bill tick away$$$$. :eek:
Carole,great to hear from you and that chest thing too,if i rub mine
it does same thing,kinda irritating and feels weird like bionic:D
Great to see your doing GGGRREAT!!
Rubbing chests
Is this some sort of woman ritual?
Hi Carole - great to hear from you. Sounds like your recovery is right on track. Have you ever tested your hubby on your machine to see what his INR is. You may want to do that. If he's around .9 to 1.1, you'll know your machine is good.