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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
I thought I would share with you, my heart buddies.... my overwhelming joy of becoming a Grandma. :)

Our grandbaby arrived early this morning. He's a healthy 7lb 10.5 oz I'm just so happy for my son and daughter-in-law. They'll be wonderful parents. And I can't wait to start practicing my grandma skills!! :D I only wish my Mom could be here to see him.
Congratulations Granny! I love em when they're that small. Could do without all the diaper changing, but still. It's the teen years I can't take anymore. :eek:

Tell ma and pa I said congratulations too!
Hey Rain,
Congratulations Grandma!!!!:) I know you guys will enjoy him and spoil him.:D
Tell the Proud Parents congratulations also.
Take Care
Oh Rain,
He's a cutie! Congratulations all around! Our granddaugher is the light of our lives, so I know what happiness awaits you.
Welcome to the grandma club!:) :)
Congratulations Granny Rain! I know you'll be the coolest of grandmas. Is there a name yet?
Congratulations Rain.

Congratulations Rain.

Rain... May God bless this precious little baby boy. What a cutie pie and I'll bet you can't wait to get your grandma hands on him and smother him with hugs and kisses.
Enjoy your little treasure and let us know what they named him.

Ours mean the world to us and there is nothing more wonderful than hearing a little baby laugh out loud. Our little Jarod is almost 7 months old and when I play peekaboo with him he laughs out loud. I laughed so hard to other day that tears were coming down my cheek, and that scared him. His little lip started to quiver and you could tell he didn't quite know what to do, cry or laugh.

I'll attach a recent picture....
Gongratulations Rain...You....You Grandma You!!! LOL

Gongratulations Rain...You....You Grandma You!!! LOL

Here's wishing you all the joy and happiness of your new grandmahood, and what an adorable little one.....Just yesterday I was in for my monthly epidural (for my back and spinal stenosis) and I saw a really cute little 6 week little boy dressed in of all things CARGO pants.....they had the cutest little pockets on the side....just goes to show how adorable parents/grandparents can dress their little ones up. I can't wait to be an uncle for the first time in about 3 weeks. I am already looking at clothes to buy for the wee one. (I don't dare now, because we don't know if it's a boy or girl...anyway, CONGRATULATIONS Rain, and all the blessings to you and your family. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Good Looking Boy!

Good Looking Boy!

What a cutie pie! No wonder your in love. Nothing is sweeter than Grandma. Have fun! --Janea
He's just beautiful!

He's just beautiful!

What a nice baby he is!! And it doesn't look like he was born only a few hours ago, I mean, he doesn't have that wee wrinkled look that most new born babies have!! LOL!! Congratulations to the whole family!!


From Granbonny:D He is a cutie.:) Name?....Bet your daughter is excited about being an Aunt...Bonnie
Oh thank you, thank you everyone.

Oh thank you, thank you everyone.

You can probably guess where I’ve been most of the afternoon. :) I could just sit and hold him for hours.

Thank you all!! My sister came by the hospital to see him and as she held him she said, "I would just love to have another one". I don't want another one. :eek: But I'm so in love with being a Grandma!

They still have about four names up in the air. lol Forrest, Alton, Ethan, Von ... I'll let ya know when they make a name official. :)
He's beautiful, Rain. Being a Grandma is the best. Wishing you many years of joy together.
Rain and family -

Rain and family -

Congratulations on your new family addition. I know nothing about being a grandma - I am just now working on becoming a mother! :eek: (our adoption from China)

It is wild as you and Karlynn are right about my age (or younger) and you are becoming grandmas and I am just starting to think about being a mother!! Am I crazy or what???!!

Anyway, that grandbaby of yours is really totally beautiful.

Congratulations!!! P.S. You just look far too young to be a grandma - I think you should be called Glamma as well (as I told Karlynn).

Best wishes to all of you -

P.S. Christina - what a gorgeous grandson you have also. I really think that one of you glammas or glampas on VR.com should start a thread (again?) of the grandbaby photos.

Christina L


Congratulations! Babies are such a breath of fresh air........Literally! What a blessing! He is beautiful.
