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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
:eek: Greetings, all! One and ten thousand apologies for being out of touch for so long. And one and ten thousand and one THANK YOU'S for the kind "Where's Stretch?" threads!

After the Day Surgery Debacle in late Sept. I lost a couple of weeks of work, and had a reprieve of a month from AVR surgery. So... once I felt like doing anything productive again, I basically forgot about valve surgery for a while and tried to catch up on work. I finally did this past weekend. ;) We launched a new business venture with 3 other photographers and an agent (see link below), and the kickoff was last week.

Then, once I started thinking about the AVR again, I called up JayF, who'd had a minimally invasive procedure done by Dr. Colvin an NYU, and he got me thinking about that possibility. I also spoke with Sylvia about it, because her hubby'd had the Ross, which I'd already committed to, and her father had had Colvin's minimally invasive, which was sounding better and better to me!

So I sat back a while and thought about it... Eventually I got back in touch with Dr. Stelzer and we had a good long talk. He also put me in touch with a 20 yr post op Ross patient, and he and I had a good long talk.

Finally, I talked with Stelzer again on Friday, 11/10, the last day of one of the BEST WEEKS I can remember in a LONG TIME ("Reclaiming the House, nice; Reclaiming the Senate very nice; Virginia having the honor of giving us the Senate, very VERY nice; Rumsfeld resigning, PRICELESS!").

After that talk with Dr. S I bought Noni and I our tickets to NYC. We're flying up 12/7, doing pre-op 12/8, relaxing over the weekend, and I'm going under Dr. Stelzer's golden knife for a Ross Procedure on Monday, 12/11.

I started a blog to keep all my friends and family informed of the process. I'll try to post some of the entries here, also, but, if any of you would like to be updated regularly, go to http://stretchphotography.com/blog and zap me an e-mail off of there. (Unfortunately, the html code doesn't render properly on Firefox browser for some reason...)

I do want to share a few things with you all:

First, I've missed you! I felt like I'd missed so many happy surgical outcomes once I got back and saw all the post-op posts! It's so wonderful to see how well so many of you are doing/have done. It's truly an inspiration, now more than ever, since I'm officially in the "waiting room" for only another 21 days. Congratulations to you all!

Secondly, Dr. Stelzer is working on allowing a colleague of mine to photograph my surgery. As a photographer, there's no way I'd let this kind of watershed event come to pass without it being documented. I considered, for a time, trying to shoot pictures pre and post op myself, and mounting some timer-controlled cameras in the OR, but after my hemorrhoid surgery I realized that such ideas are nonsensical. I need to forget about work for a while and just enjoy the ride. I know that sounds mighty strange, but, when you think about it, there are very few people who experience what those of us on this board experience. I'm not minimizing the pain or trauma of surgery or the difficulties of recovery, but I do feel like an journey like this should be experienced as fully as possible, and I don't want to be distraced trying to make photographs. ;)

So I'm having my friend Chad, who's at this moment embedded with some very good guys doing some very difficult work in Afghanistan, do for me what I can't do for myself- document this experience, and hopefully give me a nice big picture of my own heart to put up on my wall. :)

Thirdly, I had a dream last Sunday night, the night after I'd purchased the airline tix for Noni and I. In my dream, the surgery had just finished, and I was leaving the operating room. The interesting part is that I was not being wheeled out of the OR, I was walking out, arm in arm with Dr. Stelzer, who was taking me to recovery, where he said I should get some rest. WOW! Is that cool, or what?

I felt so good that next morning... I finally felt at peace about my choice of procedure and surgeon. I think I'm ready for this emotionally, spiritually, and physically. And I have many of you, and the resource of this web site, to thank for a great deal of that security.

This Thursday I will remember you as I recall all that I have to be thankful for this year.

Glad to be back... :)
Stretch it is so good to hear you sounding so good and at peace. the only thing is darn you wouldn't consider going to NYC like 5 days earlier would you since we will be there on the 2nd:) just for fun, that will be great seeing the photographs your partner will be doing and i'm glad business is going so well,
hey since you are interseted inpolictics, you should help me try to get my CHD bill passed HR 305 Lyn
ps i've had an idea for a beautiful book of photographs to help CHd
What an interesting message! So glad to hear that you have made a decision and are so pleased with it. You do sound completely at peace with it all and I'm almost a little bit jealous sitting here in the waiting room...

Also congrats on your new business - may it prosper well.

But more importantly may you enjoy the next 21 days in the waiting room and best wishes for an uneventful & successful surgery.

Welcome back Prodigal Son :D and congratulations on your new business venture.

I know that you know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers for your surgery.
We were all starting to get worried about you! Glad that you are ok and at peace with your decision! :)
So glad to hear from you and glad that you are so at peace with your decision. If you are not yet on the calendar, I will put you there and you know that we will all be checking your blog for updates. Go in peace, Stretch and I hope you will share your surgery photography with us!:D
So good to hear from you!

So good to hear from you!

I remember doing so much to get ready for surgery. And then, in the final days, I began to feel very relaxed about the whole thing.

At the end, I felt like a golf ball well placed on the tee. I was getting ready for a long drive, and very confident in the guy taking the swing. (Later there comes a period where you feel like you took a pretty good whack-but it is so worth it). No doctor ever changed my quality of life like my heart surgeon. I am very anxious to follow your progress. So anxious that I will even go out & get a copy of Internet Explorer to put on my Mac. (And that's saying something). You need to take care ofyourself, not us, but please have someone post your progress as soon as possible.
Stretch - I missed you!! Glad to hear that you are doing well and are more at ease. Good luck with the new venture and keep us posted on that and how things are going with your health.

Glad to see you back!!
Thanks for the great update, Stretch. I'm so glad that you finally got what you needed in your heart to proceed confidently. Each of us who have had a waiting period beforehand have had different levels of what we seemed to need to make us feel comfortable. Then, once we're satiated.....that peace of mind does fill our hearts. I'm so glad that you were able to come to that place. Your image/dream is very telling......you will be fine. It's all good, as they say!

I will certainly have my thoughts tuned eastward on the 11th and I will bookmark your blog and pop in to see how you are faring through recovery.

Best of luck!! Godspeed!

hi stretch,
i almost got tears in my eyes when i read of your commitment to dr. stelzer and the ross. it brought back such strong memories and made me feel so at home....
i look forward to seeing you and noni when you come into ny. will email you with dates.

you must feel so much more at ease and relaxed now that you have made these important choices, right? please be sure to discuss a "backup plan" with dr. s...... just incase.

we'll talk after thanksgiving...meanwhile wishing you a happy and healthy one and everyone else here as well.
take care and stay well,
Great Quote!

Great Quote!

Dennis S said:
At the end, I felt like a golf ball well placed on the tee. I was getting ready for a long drive, and very confident in the guy taking the swing. (Later there comes a period where you feel like you took a pretty good whack-but it is so worth it). No doctor ever changed my quality of life like my heart surgeon. I am very anxious to follow your progress. So anxious that I will even go out & get a copy of Internet Explorer to put on my Mac. (And that's saying something). You need to take care ofyourself, not us, but please have someone post your progress as soon as possible.

I love the golf ball analogy... I'm going to keep that phrase in mind the morning of my surgery. :)

And I would NEVER suggest a dedicated mac user desecrating his/her machine with any more microsoft products than absolutely necessary. Try the blog on Safari first... it looks fine on all my Macs...
thanks, everyone...

thanks, everyone...

...for taking time to respond, and for your very encouraging thoughts...

I've not discussed it in depth with Dr. S, but I imagine our backup will be a stentless porcine.

The next big hurdle is breaking the news to my 84 year old mother over Thanksgiving... personally, I think it a very appropriate time to let her know... She's a bit anxiety ridden anyway, and Noni and I are both a bit concerned about how she'll take the news.

Dr. S has offered to speak with her by phone over the weekend, as has a member of our church here in Richmond who had a mechanical valve implanted at the end of August. He's doing wonderfully, back singing in the choir, and he should be able to give her some encouragement about the process...
Good idea of telling your Mom in the context of Thanksgiving. I know you'll be able to put a positive spin to it (because it is a positive thing you're having done). But alas, Moms are moms no matter how old their children get and the age of the child doesn't seem to lessen the worry. Bless her.
The Home Stretch Stretch!

The Home Stretch Stretch!

:D Hey bro!! glad to see you closer to the home stretch. Time flys, you'll be waking up in ICU before you know it. Glad you sorted out all your options and most important you are comfortable with your decisions!! Maybe we could hook up that weekend before your big day. I'll drop you an EM or PM asap. J :cool:
Love this post!!!

Love this post!!!

Your energy is AWESOME!! I am so glad that you have such peace. Things are as they should be ~ so much comfort in that. I respect so much all you have done in preparation for your OHS. I am sure that is the source of all the peace of mind that you feel right now. EVERYONE SHOULD FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE!!!! I really thought that I was doing the same thing, only to find out by the chance of an extra pair of eyes, that I do not even need the surgery! So, you are to be highly commended for taking the initiative and being such an advocate for your own health!!!!

Congrats on the new business venture - I am sure that it will be a raving success if you approach your business in the same manner as your health. And, I love that you are photographing the event, and that the docs would actually cooperate with that endeavor!

I can't wait to read that first post op success story!!! Thoughts and prayers will be with you and Noni!!!