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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Commerce City, CO

Hi everyone! I'm not new here...had AVR in June of 2001. I still monitor the Anti-Coag forum every day.

Now I have some new questions. Recently, my mother had been going through some dizzy spells. She went to the Dr. & her O2 sats were down in the 85% range. That scared her Dr. pretty good, but she really was ok other than the dizziness. The Dr. ordered and echo and we just got the results back.

It seems that she has Aortic Stenosis & Insufficiency (just like me) and mitral insufficiency. My big Valve Disease hereditary? Not marfans...none of us have that...just Valve disease.

I would reckon that there are probably some forms of valve disease definately that are heritable!..I have passed this on to our 3 boys :(
Kristy W hmm, are you sure I know you? :D

Yes I do believe it can be hereditary. If you follow someones genetics long enough, you can see a distinct pattern over time.
SOME CHD's are hereditary but not all by any means. Chloe's isnt in the slightest - there is no-one else with any heart history at all on either side of the family at any time - always knew she was a one off.

There are genetics tests that can be done though if you are concerned about passing it onto future generations etc.

Hope your mum is ok!

Love Emma
Thanks all

Thanks all

Thanks everyone. I wasn't sure about this. My surgeon's report says that I had a 3 leaflet valve, but two of the leaflets fused together. Not sure when that happened though. I don't think I have bileaflet aortic valve disease. However, I have developed an aortic aneurysm since my surgery, so maybe I do have bileaflet valve disease. Who knows...

Ann, I think that Rain & her son both have Marfans...I may be incorrect though. That is definately hereditary.

Again, thanks for all the input. I will be going with my mother to her surgeon's appiontment. (Nothing like having an advocate with you that's been there.)
Having 2 leaflets fused together still comes in under the Bicuspid Aortic Valve "Heading" as far as I have read, its just kind of a lesser form. Like they were getting ready to separate but forgot to whereas the other form the 2 leaves are completely fused with no-sign of the third leaflet at all. And then we have valves like Angela's that has 2 leaflets that are part-fused

This is what I have learnt in my intense study of the subject ever since I realised I too had an aneurysm and a BAV as well as 2 of my sons having a BAV.

I cant even remember which kind we have fused or true Bi-leaflet valves. :eek:

I must ask because I want to know and it might be interesting to see which sort is more common and help with the genetics of the condition.

It may well have been on the bicuspid foundations' website I saw the info .
KristyW said:
My surgeon's report says that I had a 3 leaflet valve, but two of the leaflets fused together. . .
My reports showed three leaflets in the valve but two of them were fused together about 1/4 of the way, which in his opinion DOES make me a "victim" of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease. Thanks to mom, who just had hers replaced because of this BAVD and aneurysm that she had.